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"I'll clean your room once you're done changing" the small boy informed, feeling a stream a blood slowly make it's way down to his upper lip as he walked out of the room with a bow.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes going back into the room, wearing the clothes Seungmin chose for him. He then walked out of his room to go to  the front door where Seungmin would put his shoes and coat on. On his way to the door, he saw the boy cleaning his nose with a now blood stained paper towel.

"Ew, seriously, that's disgusting" the brown haired boy looked up at the voice with confusion then shame. "I'm so sorry, I'll clean up before I stain anything, can you please wait a minute?"

Hyunjin let out an annoyed sigh "just hurry up, I'm going to be late"  Seungmin nodded and quickly cleaned his nose. After cleaning his nose, Seungmin quickly made his way to where the older was. He put on the shoes then the coat with a smile "quit smiling so much, are you excited for something?"

The younger's smile soon turned into a hurt face after hearing these words. "I'm sorry, I just thought having a smile on would-" "make dinner for me and Soojin, I'll be bringing her home tonight" the older cut the younger off, not paying attention to what he was saying.

"Oh, yeah, I can do that. Is there something you'd specificly like"  Seungmin asked but got ignored as Hyunjin left.

Seungmin sat down at their kitchen island and started eating his food he accidentally gave Hyunjin. While eating, Seungmin's  phone dinged, signaling he got a message. The boy got his phone out and turned it on to see a message from Jeongin.

Jeongin 😇
Hey are you free today I wanna hang out

The brown haired boy smiled, he missed seeing the younger. The two boys were friends since they  were 7 but the last time he saw him, he was in a rush getting something Hyunjin needed. Jeongin already knew about Seungmin and Hyunjin getting married and the way the boy was getting treated so that's why he asked.

The brown haired boy responded saying

yeah, I'm free

Seconds later Jeongin replied

Jeongin 😇
let's get ice cream later?

I've been craving some but we dont have any cause Hyunjin says I've gained weight

Jeongin 😇
Dont pay attention to that asshole you're fine the way you are

Seungmin smiled. Jeongin never failed to make Seungmin smile or laugh.

No, Hyunjin wouldn't lie to me when it comes to things like that

Hes right, I can see how round I'm getting

Hes just looking out for me

Jeongin 😇
Seung, dont say that, you're fine just the way you are

Seungmin didnt want to start a disagreement with the younger so he thanked him. The brown haired boy put his phone down and resumed his eating as he needed to start cleaning and cooking soon.

Babam I feel like every story I write is going to have at least one fucked up character that alway says rude things and another one that isn't mentally stable, cause like who is.

July 4 2022

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now