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A few days passed and the two boy's parents were still there "Hyunjin, do you mind helping me, I just need a little bit of help grabbing something" the taller internally rolled his eyes in annoyance with a groan but put a smile on in front of his parents.

"Sure, what do you need help with?" "Can you please grab the box of tea, I cant reach it" the taller slightly shoved the boy to the side so it wasn't noticable and grabbed the box of tea from the top of the pantry.

"Here you go" the taller smiled at the slightly shorter, then leaned in to whisper in his ear "dont try anything while they're here, I have Soojin." The older then stood back up fake smiling and the younger hesitantly nodded with a fake smile.

The older then left the kitchen and Hyunjin's parents cooed "you guys are so cute together, I knew it wasnt a mistake to make you guys marry each other" the blond's mom spoke to which her husband agreed.

Seungmin let a fake smile take over his face, if only they knew what really happened behind their backs "thank you, he's been the best to me, I love him so much" the brown haired partly lied.

The blond's parents smiled looking at each other, happy to hear the kids' relationship is a 'happy' one.

Later that day

The family was now sitting down watching a movie they all enjoyed. Seungmin was curled up in a ball, putting his head  in Hyunjin's chest, while the older put his arm around the small boy.

The weird thing was that this time it actually felt nice to have the younger close to him "what are you thinking, his plan worked, he called our parents so he could do this, fucking asshole" Hyunjin cursed in his mind, denying the new feeling for the younger.

"Aw honey, look at them" Wonpil pointed to the two boys while talking to his wife "they're adorable, they look so comfortable with each other" they cooed.

"Mom stooop~" Seungmin whined tiredly while hiding himself further in Hyunjin's chest. Hyunjin genuine smiled seeing Seungmin hiding himself in his chest "cute" his mind spoke.

"Alright boys, it's time for bed, let's get ready for bed" Hyunjin's mom announced to which everyone agreed to.

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