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TW: cutting


"Oh well tell him to come, he has to come up soon since its almost time to go to bed" Seungmin's mom then spoke making the blond nod and go back down to where Seungmin was crying.

Once Hyunjin went to where Seungmin was, he froze. He saw the small brown haired boy with a knife in his hand cutting his wrist.


Once Hyunjin left the basement Seungmin sobbed as he grabbed his hidden knife from in between his clothes and his mind took over.

"Do it you dont deserve to live" "You know he hates you" "I hope you die" "Fucking die already" "you're useless" "your stupid" "you're just a slut" "youre so selfish" "do it already" "do it" "do it" "cut yourself already you deserve it" "cut until you die" "discusting fat pig" "you're just wasting space" "die already" "die" "die" "die" "you should've died earlier" "you're wasting space" his mind continued with more similar thoughts making him cut multiple times after every word his mind said without noticing the door open or the figure that entered and watched from behind a wall.

He continued cutting even more until he had no more room to cut on his wrist. He then stopped and sobbed in his hands "why didn't you do it earlier, you should've ignore Felix and Jisung and done it" his mind spoke to him.

"Seungmin" a voice spoke and the crying boy quickly covered his wrist with his long sleeve and wiped his tears away even though they continued rolling down his face, putting the bloody knife behind his clothes.

The figure came from around the corner and looked at the brown haired boy "parents are saying it's time to go to sleep" Seungmin just nodded and wiped his tears away again.

Hyunjin then left the basement and went to his room without the parents saying anything to him. He sat down on the floor and heard a knock from the window.

He looked over to the window and saw Soojin. He sighed and got up to open the window "what are you doing here" "don't ask, I'll show you" Soojin said climbing to get inside, making Hyunjin look at her confused.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now