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They arrived at their destination and Seungmin looked at the building with the letters 'JYP' shock "w-what are we doing here" the boy stuttered "you'll see come on" they got out of the car and walked into the building.

Seungmin held Hyunjin's hand tightly, nervous if what was going to happen "Hwang Hyunjin" the blond spoke to the woman at the counter.

"Sixth floor, third door to your right" the woman spoke "thank you" the taller thanked and walked to where they woman directed them.

"D-do you work here or what, h-how can you get in" Seungmin questioned his husband who just smiled "no I dont work here, someone I know works here and they helped me get in"

The birthday boy just nodded and the elevator dinged, indicating they got to the sixth floor, making the doors open.

The couple walked out hand in hand and made their way to the door the woman said to go to. "Okay, we're here, are you ready" Hyunjin asked the nervous birthday boy "y-yes" "let's go in then" the taller opened the door with a smile.

Seungmin smiled before squealing and hugging Hyunjin as the door opened. "No, stop, you're lying, you're fucking lying, I'm meeting Day6" (I forgot if I made Wonpil his dad but I'm pretty sure I did but act like this is the actual Wonpil from Day6) "language and no, I'm not and yes you are" Hyunjin reassured.

"Go ahead" "h-hello" Seungmin stuttered as he bowed "hello" six men greeted with a smile.  "Oh my God, stop, you guys are real" Seungmin widely smiled.

"Yep, Happy birthday, we heard it was your birthday today, do you want to go out with us to eat" Dongryul congratulated, the birthday boy excitedly jumped up and down before responding "yes yes yes" "I knew you'd like it" Hyunjin kissed his husband's forehead after speaking.

"Thank you Jin" "no problem, now let's not make them wait, let's go" all eight of them walked out of the company and into a restaurant, Seungmin sitting next to Dongryul, internally screaming while holding his husband's hand.

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