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"You'll treat me better?!" Seungmin turned around and tightly hugged Hyunjin who hugged back "thank you so much" he let a few tears roll down from his eyes as he had a smile on his face.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" he excitedly jumped. How could Hyunjin not want someone like this? Seungmin grabbed Hyunjin's face and kissing his lips for a quick second. Once he realized what he did he stopped all his movements and his smile dropped.


"I'm sorry, I-I just thought-" a kiss cut the brown haired boy. Even though a kiss cut him off, he kissed back and gently placed his hands in Hyunjin's chest while the blond's hands were on Seungmin's waist.

"Dont apologize, I'll try my best to treat you better, this is the first way to start" the blond spoke after the kiss. The youngest smiled and put his head on Hyunjin's chest, leaving his hands in place, he was happy the other male was finally going to pay attention to him after such a long time of trying to get his attention.

The blond hugged Seungmin and to him, the hug felt right, compared to Soojin's, the small brown haired boy's touch felt right. He placed his head on top of the younger's closing his eyes from the amount of comfort he felt in that moment.

All his worries washed away, everything that happened yesterday disappeared. He was showing his genuine feelings towards the boy. "Let's go eat breakfast, yeah?" Seungmin nodded to the blond's request and pulled away from the hug to start walking to the kitchen.

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