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"Thank you Jin" "no problem, now let's not make them wait, let's go" all eight of them walked out of the company and into a restaurant, Seungmin sitting next to Dongryul, internally screaming while holding his husband's hand.

"But that's not it, we still have someone coming, if that's okay with you" Sungjin asked making the birthday boy confused but still nod.

"Oh, he's here, Sandeul, over here" Dowoon raised his hand with a smile, calling the other guest over. Seungmin stayed shocked "Hyunjin, you're fucking kidding me, stop, you did not, I'm gonna cry" Seungmin squealed.

"Hey guys, happy birthday Seungmin" "h-hello, God help me please" the boy stuttered while bowing. "Let's order food?" all nine of them nodded to Junhyeok's request.


After eating, all nine males took a picture before departing, going to their own paths with a smile. "Hyunjin how'd you get them to go out with us, how, how, how, I'm gonna cry" Seungmin ranted as he sat in the passenger seat of the car.

"That's not important, I'll tell you tonight but let's go back home, the kids must be waiting" Hyunjin reminded making Seungmin nod with a smile.

"Thank you so much Hyunjin, I loved it, they're such nice people" Hyunjin smiled at his husband "no problem my love, you deserve it"


They made it back home and as they entered the lights were off "kids?" Seungmin called out confusion "SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY" all six teenagers yelled in sync as the shot confetti into the air.

Seungmin smiled "thank you kids, its beautiful in here" the brown haired boy said looking around the decorated room. "Happy birthday my love" Hyunjin congratulated while back hugging the birthday boy with a smile, putting his chin on his shoulder.

The six teenagers got closer to the brown haired male, putting on a birthday hat on the teary boy, singing happy birthday to him in the process, six other males entering and singing along.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now