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It was now the day after Seungmin's birthday and the brown haired boy was now cooking lunch for Hyunjin as the blond got off work early today.

The big front door was heard opening, making Seungmin speak "hi baby- Hyunjin, how was work, are you tired, are you hungry" "I'm tired and just want to eat, quit talking."

Seungmin sadly nodded while placing the food infront of Hyunjin and the blond started eating "yes, I'm sorry" the boy backed away, still standing near the table in case if Hyunjin needed something.

After the tall blond was finished eating, Seungmin had something to tell him "um Hyunjin..." the blond groaned at the brown haired boy "what now?" 

"I got a call from my mom saying, your parents and my parents were going to come over tonight" the taller rolled his eyes "you told her to do that, didnt you" he accused the brown haired boy.

"What? No, she just called me, she said they were going to come over to celebrate my birthday because they were busy yesterday" the small boy calmly explained making Hyunjin sigh out of annoyance.

"Of course it always about you, didn't Jeongin and Felix celebrate your birthday already" "y-yeah but even though they celebrated with me, it's not the same as my parents celebrating with me" Seungmin explained.

"Theres no difference, your birthday was celebrated with someone" the blond argued "there is- you know what, sure it is, just please be ready later" the younger spoke walking back to the sink to wash dishes, not wanting to argue with the older.

The brown haired boy was   looking around, the now clean house, seeing if anything was out of place, while Hyunjin was sitting on the couch going through his phone.

Luckily the boy saw nothing out of place and sat down. As if on queue, the doorbell rang, signaling the four parents were there, making the small boy run to open the door out of excitement, Hyunjin slowly following behind.

Once the blond got to the door, he put on a bright smile greeting the four adults "hey boys, hows everything" Hyunjin's mom asked with a present in hand for the brown haired boy while hugging the boys "hello, everything's alright, thank you" Seungmin responded with a bright smile.

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