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There was the small brown head, sitting on the floor with tears in his eyes from the tone of voice, action and comment at the end. Although the living room wasn't too far from the kitchen, no one in the living room seemed to realize what just happened.

Seungmin slowly got up from the ground and looked at Hyunjin with sad teary eyes "I'm sorry, I'll get going then, please take care of yourself" he spoke with a tear rolling down his face.

With that the younger turned his back to his husband and walked away to the front door. "Honey, where are you going?" His mom asked "oh, I- uh, I'm- I'm going for a walk, I'll be home soon, I love you" he responded not looking up while putting his new shoes on.

The boy then left the house and started walking to a nearby bridge. The boy sat down on the edge and started crying "should I really?" "Will the others notice" "this is what Hyunjin wants give it to him" "no one will notice" "just do it already!" "Hyunjin doesn't love you" "you're unwanted here, just leave already" the poor boy's mind spoke to him making the tears roll down his cheeks and him to stand up looking over the bridge.

"I hope you die" "No no no Seungmin, please don't" the brown haired boy heard a voice calling for him. He looked over with a tear stained face to see a freckled boy and a blue haired boy running towards him.

He looked at them then glanced back to look at the bottom of the very high bridge and looked back at them again to see they were close. This action made the brown haired boy start sobbing "why" he cried "why dont you guys want me to leave?"

He let out a sob and continued "no one notices I'm here and if they do notice, I just get treated like shit." The two were slowly approaching the crying boy "baby, baby, calm down. I notice that you're here, but I could never treat you like shit."

Jisung softly spoke grabbing Seungmin wrist making the boy let out an 'ow' from when Hyunjin grabbed his wrist,  leaving him a bruise. Jisung looked over to Felix with a worried expression and back to Seungmin making a note to himself to ask what happened to the youngest' wrist.

"I'm sorry but please come here Seung" the blue haired boy spoke again gently pulling Seungmin closer to him. Once the brown haired boy was in his arms, in a hug, the freckled boy went beside the two and started playing with Seungmin's hair, letting a few tears roll down his freckled cheeks while doing so.

After a few minutes of the two silently crying and Seungmin sobbing, the three of them calmed down, the brown haired boy occassionally letting out small sniffles but was able to talk. 

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now