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He didnt want to do anything but it felt too good. He accepted what the girl was doing to him and kissed her back. The kiss started getting hearting and soon turned to a make out session.

"Let's go inside, I want you" Soojin panted from the lack of air "we can't, my parents are inside" Hyunjin replied making Soojin whine. "Seriously, dont you want it though~" she spoke seductively going near the blond's neck leaving small kisses while grabbing his bulge making the blond moan.

"We can't, I have something important to do and my parents are home" "am I that something important you have to do" she sucked Hyunjin's neck earning another moan from the tall blond.

"No, now get off, my parents are going to ask what took so long" Soojin sighed but let go "fine, we'll do it at night or once your parents leave" with that the girl left and the blond went back inside.

"Who was it and what took so long" "shit, they dont know I have a girlfriend while I'm with Seungmin" Hyunjin thought before replying.

"Oh, I-it was my co-worker, she was confused about something that had to do with the project that needs to be done by tommorow" he lied "oh, let's continue talking then but bring me some crisps before you sit" Hyunjin's mom said.

The blond did as he was told and went to grab the crisps to give them to his mom before sitting back down to talk but mostly to listen to the conversation.


"I'm a little hungry, let's go out to eat something" Hyunjin's dad announced to which everyone agreed to. "Wait, where's Seungmin, hes been gone for a long time, he said he was going to be back in a little" Seungmin's mom said concerned.

"He probably went out and forgot to tell us, dont worry about him, he knows what he's doing, he's a smart kid" Wonpil reassured his wife with a small pat on the back. "I guess you're right" she replied with a small sigh.

Everyone then got up from the couch and headed out the door, putting their shoes on, on the way out.

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