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The boy cried on the older's chest until he fell asleep. Crying himself to sleep like almost everyday since he moved in with the older.

It was now the next day and Hyunjin was the first one to wake up. He was woken up to a presence of a small brown haired boy sleeping on his chest and the blond's arms still wrapped around the boy's waist.

The blond stared at the brown haired boy's facial features and noticed the boy's cheeks had dry tears on them. "I hope I wasnt the cause for those tears" he spoke in his mind.

As Hyunjin looked at the small boy's face details, the sleeping boy started shifting and starting to wake up. "Make it seem like everything is still the same even though you asked for it" the thoughts in the older's mind spoke so that's exactly what he did.

He quickly drew his arms back around himself as he sat up on the bed "what the fuck are you doing on the bed, aren't you supposed to be sleeping on the fucking floor" he yelled at the shifting boy who quickly woke up  flinching at the yelling.

Seungmin then took a short small moment to realize where he was and quickly got off the bed. "I-I.... I'm really sorry, please forgive me, this wont happen again, I promise it really wont, please dont hurt me" the younger quickly apologized repeatedly bowing.

"Explain how the fuck you even ended up on the bed in the first place" Hyunjin demanded even though he knew "w-well, last night..... you told me to-" "bullshit, you already know I have Soojin why would I ask someone like you to sleep with me?!"

"Please believe me, I really am telling the truth" "sure you are you slut, you always tell the truth" Hyunjin rolled his eyes with 'annoyance'. He really did start to feel bad for Seungmin but he really didn't want Seungmin to see he finally started to have feelings for him.

Seungmin had stray tears rolling down his face as he tried explaining the situation both of them remember clear as day. The small brown head held back sobs he wanted to let out and stopped fighting Hyunjin on the situation, letting the older win like always.

Once the argument was finished, Seungmin went to the bathroom and locked himself in there to let out his tears and sobs. "You fucked up again, why'd you do that to him, he doesn't deserve to cry this early in the morning" the blond's mind spoke.

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