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Years later

Mrs. Kim and the young married couple were in the kitchen talking about how Hyunjin and Seungmin's kids have been.

"Where are the boys, they haven't come down yet" Wonpil asked entering the kitchen "Shuyang and Zihao are probably fighting in their room, Minguri is probably playing playing the guitar or some instrument in his room" Seungmin's paused thinking about the activities his kids must be doing, shaking his head in the process.

"Xinlong must be dancing in the practice room, Hanyu might be sleeping in his room, and what it sound like, Zeyu's probably yelling at his computer from losing in a game in the game room" he continued making his dad make an 'oh' in understatement.

"Kids, come downstairs, we have cake" Mrs. Hwang yelled as she entered the kitchen, making the six boys go running downstairs, Hanyu quickly waking up. "Bitch, I'm getting the first piece" Shuyang said pushing Zihao to the side.

"Fuck off hoe, I'm getting the first piece" Zihao pushed the youngest back as they ran to the kitchen. "Zihao and Shuyang watch your mouths" Mr. Hwang yelled at the two kids arguing.

The two made a discusted face at each other and started walking. "Exactly what I'm saying, like shut up, I just woke up" "Hanyu" Seungmin warned.

"Just let then live Seung, we play around with the others like that" Seungmin sighed "fine" "where's the cake" Zeyu asked yelling as all of them were in the kitchen.

"We'll buy it later, let's go to to the amusement park" Wonpil announced. The six boys looked at each other with their mouths open "aAaaAhhHhHh" Zeyu yelled.

"Fuck yeah, let's go get ready, let's go, let's go" Minguri yelled after Zeyu making the six excited boys ho back upstairs to get ready.

The six adults laughed at the kids and went to their rooms to get ready as well.

Everyone was now finished getting ready and made their way to the cars.

Car 1:

Mr. Hwang  Mrs. Hwang

Hanyu    Minguri

Car 2:

     Wonpil     Mrs. Kim

Xinlong      Zeyu

Car 3:

Hyunjin   Seungmin

Shuyang     Zihao


"AaaAAahhHhH" Shuyang screamed after Zihao pinched his arm "bruh, Seungmin, this fucking brother of mine, pinched me" "I did not" "yes you did, I have a bruise right here" Shuyang said pointing to the purple circle on his skin.

"Deserved it" "fuck you, Seungmin tell him something" Shuyang whined. They let the six boys call them by their names since they're 15 - 18 and were still able to understand the two were still their parents even if they were adopted, they still thought of the two as their actual parents.

"Shuyang quit yelling, let him sleep, you know how much he does for us" Zihao stuck his tounge out to the youngest as he got told that.

"So you tell him something" Hyunjin sighed "Zihao stop and let Seungmin sleep" Zihao sighed crossing his arms in defeat while Shuyang stuck his tounge out to his brother.


In car one, Hanyu was back to sleeping since he got woken up, Minguri was singing along to the music playing on the speaker, while Mr. and Mrs. Hwang were speaking to each other.


In car two, Zeyu and Xinlong were singing, almost yelling, along with the music being played on the speakers, Xinlong looking out of the window, enjoying the view while doing so.


All three cars soon made it to the amusement park and all six kids scrambled out of the car with the six adults calmly following after them.

They went to go pay and went on many different rides, Zihao and Shuyang still managing to fight over the smallest things.


After they got on all the rides of the amusement park, they went home where a cake awaited them.

They all got out of their cars and went to the kitchen. "Now is there cake" Minguri asked for him and his brothers.

"Yes and theres something else" the six looked at each other confused until six men walked in yelling. "Uncles" they all yelled as Xinlong let out a dolphin scream.

"What's up kids" Minho yelled "gosh it's been a week since I've seen you guys and you've still grown a lot" Felix commented "look at my favorite kids" Jisung yelled.

Instead of saying something Jeongin let out an excited dolphin scream "kids!" Chan exclaimed "yo Hanyu, Zihao, Xinlong, Zeyu, Minguri and Shuyang, what's up" Changbin yelled.

"Yo calm your titties, our parents are still here ya' know, so like quiet down a bit" Seungmin reminded making all twelve of the yelling people to quiet down.

"Let's cut the cake" Mrs. Kim spoke "there's no special occasion?" Hyunjin asked  "no, just let the kids have cake, you know how hard they work, they deserve it" she spoke again making everyone nod.

Everyone was now gathered around the very large table talking and making jokes, while Shuyang, Zihao and Jisung were teasing each other.

They ended their day with everyone sleeping in the living room cuddled up together. The couples with each other while, Shuyang and Zihao cuddled, Xinlong and Minguri also cuddling, leaving Hanyu and Zeyu to cuddle with each other.

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