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As he was crying, he heard another moan making him cry more. The more the small boy cried, the more tired he felt resulting in the tiredness soon taking over and him falling asleep.

It was now many weeks later and the same recurrence kept happening. As of right now, Seungmin was finished cooking and was at the front door with a smile if excitment waiting for Hyunjin to get home.

Hyunjin was now gathering his belongings and placing them in his bag as he was about to leave his job. Before Hyunjin could leave he was stopped by his co-worker "Hyunjin, boss said you need to finish your presentation, it's due tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! He said it was for next week! Did he change his mind or something?! I still have 5 slides left!" "I'm not sure why the due date was changed but you need to finish them for tommorow" Hyunjin let's out an annoyed sigh, rolling his eyes in the process.

"Fine, just please get out" his co-worker did as they were told and left. As soon as the worker left, Hyunjin threw his things on a couch in his office annoyed, annoyed at how often his boss would change due dates for earlier days, stressing him and his co-workers.

The tall blond worked on finishing his 5 slides for 4 hours, making sure everything was ready to go for the following day. After those 4 hours, Hyunjin made his way home tired and stressed.

The tall blond got home and knocked, expecting Seungmin to open the door for him. His assumption was wrong as he didnt hear any foot steps anywhere inside, making him even more annoyed than he already was.

He then took out his keys and opened the door, hitting something in the process of opening the door. Hyunjin groaned "what the fuck's behind the door?!" he slightly closed the door and entered.

The blond was now standing inside his shared house with the door closed, looking at what was behind the door, only to see Seungmin laying there with a tear stained face.


It was now 7 pm and Seungmin was at the front door with a smile if excitment waiting for Hyunjin to get home.

After 30 minutes of waiting Seungmin sat down infront of the front door waiting to greet his husband. An hour and 30 minutes passed and Seungmin started thinking of what was taking Hyunjin such a long time to get home since the blond didnt text or call him, making him start crying out of worry.

The crying from the small boy didnt stop until he fell asleep an hour later of crying.


"What the fuck are you doing there?!" Hyunjin yelled at the younger who quickly woke up hearing the familiar voice.

The younger rapidly got up from the ground and tightly hugged the older with tears in his eyes "are you okay? What took you so long? I was worried you were hurt or something happened to you. Why didnt you text me?" Seungmin quickly flooded the older with questions while he was standing there annoyed not hugging back.

"Get off of me, I'm not a child you should be worried about because I'm home late" Hyunjin spoke pushing the crying boy off him "I-I'm sorry, I was just worried-" "just shut up and quit crying, I dont care if you were worried about me" the older harshly spoke to his husband.

"I'm sorry, there's food in the microwave if you want to eat" Hyunjin took a look at what was cooked and put in the microwave and made a comment "ew, what the fuck is this, did you try cooking me shit, this looks fucking disgusting. I'm going upstairs to my room instead of eating whatever that is."

Seungmin's head lowered with tears in his eyes, finding the comment hurtful as he spent all day preparing it just for Hyunjin to not eat. He spent all day making a sure everything had the right flavor and was cooked correctly. After he was done preparing the food, he made sure to make it presentable and as appetizing as possible.

The small boy just went to the basement letting his tears stream down his face and letting some sobs out.

"Another night of crying to sleep"

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now