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More thoughts lingered in the blond's head about the boy, keeping him up and unable to sleep until he got annoyed he was getting no sleep "Seungmin" he called.

While the blond was calling the
brown haired, the brown haired boy was silently crying curled up in a ball in the corner of the bathroom, he hated how him and the older had to put an act on to look like a happy couple.

He hated how the older would hurt his feelings and never care, he hated how invisible the older made him feel, but he could never hate his husband, he never did. "Seungmin" he heard Hyunjin call making him wipe his tears and put on a sleepy face on while getting up to see what the older wanted.

He opened the bathroom door that was connected the bedroom and walked over to Hyunjin's bed to look at him "y-yes" his voice cracked from crying "come here" the younger slowly walked over to Hyunjin and waited for the blond to speak.

"What are doing, get on the bed" Hyunjin spoke annoyed from the lack of sleep. Seungmin was confused on how sudden this was but hesitantly did as he was told, not wanting to annoy his husband any further.

The small boy sat there looking around the room, it's the first time in a while he's slept on a bed, he was used to getting sent to sleep on the ground. "I-is... is everything okay" Seungmin quietly questioned Hyunjin "yes, just go to sleep" hearing this made Seungmin even more confused.

"A-are you sure everything's okay-" "yes, just shut up and sleep. I'm giving you this one chance to sleep with me because our parents are here and you question it. Do you want to sleep here with me or not?!" Seungmin lowered his head, looking at his lap, on the verge of crying again.

"Yes, I'm sorry" he quietly spoke not wanting to make it obvious he started crying again. The small boy laid down on the other side of the bed from Hyunjin, his back facing the older to let his tears roll fall and not let the older see.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now