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Once the argument was finished, Seungmin went to the bathroom and locked himself in there to let out his tears and sobs. "You fucked up again, why'd you do that to him, he doesn't deserve to cry this early in the morning" the blond's mind spoke.

After crying, Seungmin cracked the door opened and looked around through the crack to see if his husband was there. The boy didn't see him so he got out of the bathroom and shut the door afterwards.

The boy then examined the room and didnt find Hyunjin there but found a very messy bed that needed to be fixed, so that's what he started doing.

After fixing the bed, he headed out of the spacious room and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone, his eyes still red from the crying he did earlier.

He noticed no one was awake so he started making breakfast. While making breakfast, two arms wrapped around the small boy's waist and a head was placed on his shoulder.

"Hey Seung" the black haired boy softly greeted the brown haired boy "good morning Jeongin." (Jeongin has a spare key so he goes in whenever he wants).

"What are you making" the younger curiously asked. "I don't even know but by the looks of it, I think I'm making chocolate chip pancakes" Seungmin responded weiredly looking at the ingredients he took out and was cooking.

"You always make the best food, can I eat one" "go ahead, I'm not stopping you" "thank you, have you asked Hyunjin yet" Jeongin asked taking an arm away from Seungmin's waist to grab a pancakes and lifting his head to eat it "asked what" "to treat you better" the boy whispered, knowing the parents where there.

"Oh uhm....." "Seung please ask him soon, hes going to continue doing it and I'm not going to let it happen if he does" the brown haired boy flipped the pancake and sighed "okay, I'll ask him when I have time and I remember."

"Mhmm, can we stay like this for a little longer, I'm comfortable" the younger asked placing his arm back around Seungmin's waist and his head back on his shoulder after eating the pancake.

"Sure, just put some music on" the black haired boy grabbed the closest phone and put some music on. Seungmin was glad Jeongin didn't see his red eyes and sang to the music. "I want cookin' fo ya, fo ya, fo ya~" (I was thinking about Boy Story while writing this 😬👍anyways stream cookin' fo ya 🤪).

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