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The younger just turned around and continued walking until he reached where his belongings were scattered on the dirty floor. The small boy wasnt given a wardrobe or anywhere to put his belongings so he had to put them on the ground even if it was clean.

Hyunjin was still following Seungmin and aggressivly pushed him against the wall, making the small boy let out a broken 'ow'. "Look me in the eyes and answer my fucking question, where were you?!" the blond yelled "Hyunjin, stop, I know you dont care about me or where ai was so quit yelling at me like you do" Seungmin finally answered the blond as he was crying.

There was a silence between the two, Seungmin still crying and Hyunjin staring at him thinking "you did it again, way to go" "why'd  you do that" "you had to yell" "what the fuck's wrong with you" "hug him" "apologize to him" "apologize" "apologize" apologize" his mind repeated.

Before the blond could do what his mind was saying, the brown haired boy started walking to a corner to cry in, covering his face in the process. "Seungm-" "please leave, I know you hate me for living and being around you, so just please leave" the boy cried.

"That's not what I was going to-" "Hyunjin please" he begged. Hyunjin slightly lowered his head more and walked out of the basement mad at himself.

"What were you guys doing down there if theres nothing in there?" Hyunjin's dad asked Hyunjin as he got out of the basement "nothing, just talking, I had something important to ask him privately" "oh, well, where's Seungmin, is he still down there" the blond's mom asked.

"Yeah, he- he wanted to umm, he wanted to have alone time" the tall blond lied "well why didn't he go to your guy's room" "I'm not sure...." the blond spoke.

"Oh well tell him to come, he has to come up soon since its almost time to go to bed" Seungmin's mom then spoke making the blond nod and go back down to where Seungmin was crying.

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