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"Sure, just put some music on" the black haired boy grabbed the closest phone and put some music on. Seungmin was glad Jeongin didn't see his red eyes and sang to the music. "I want cookin' fo ya, fo ya, fo ya~"

Seungmin finished cooking with some music while Jeongin was still back hugging him, talking to the brown haired boy every once in a while but mostly singing to the music.

Since the cooking was finally done, the brown haired boy called everyone to eat. Now that he called everyone to eat, everyone was making their way to a chair.

Seungmin was sitting down and Hyunjin sat next to him. Usually he wouldn't think anything of this since their parents were over but he was confused when, under the table, he felt Hyunjin's hand on his.

He looked over to the blond confused "a-are you okay" he softly asked to which Hyunjin simply nodded to. Jeongin was sat infront if the two watching it happen and noticed the way Hyunjin looked at Seungmin was slightly different from before.

With that, everyone began eating and was soon done. Since everyone was done eating, Seungmin was washing dishes and everyone else was in the living room talking.

While washing the dishes, Seungmin felt two arms wrapped around his waist but these arms felt different, they weren't Jeongin's. These arms made the brown haired boy's heart beat fast so he started to slowly wash dishes.

"Is something wrong" the blond asked from behind noticing the sudden change of speed "n-no, I-I'll get back to work, I'm sorry about that" the small boy spoke while slightly lifting his shoulders from the shivers the voice in his ear sent.

"Hyunjin" the brown haired boy hesitantly spoke, earning a hum from the older in response "a-are you.... drunk?" the boy quietly stuttered turning off the water as he was done washing dishes.

There was a quick silence between both of them before both of them spoke "I'm sorry, I-" "are you serious? I willingly treat you like something for the first time and you ask if I'm drunk. You know what, fuck you, you ungrateful useless slut, I hope you die" the blond cut off, harshly pushing the younger to the side making him lose balance and fall to the cold white marble kitchen floor.

There was the small brown head, sitting on the floor with tears in his eyes from the tone of voice, action and comment at the end. Although the living room wasn't too far from the kitchen, no one in the living room seemed to realize what just happened.

(Jeongin already left since he had something to do.)

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now