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Hyunjin got up from the couch and headed to Seungmin "put on a smile, dont say anything about what just happened or else I wont let you eat for the next week, by the looks of it, you need it" the brown haired boy slowly nodded agreeing to Hyunjin's words.

Hyunjin's friends knocked on the door once again, making Hyunjin go and open the door. Hyunjin's friends knew about Seungmin but didn't know how poorly the blond treated him and were never informed they were married since Hyunjin was ashamed to be married with the small boy. (So they know Seungmin but not the relationship with Hyunjin)

Seungmin finished cleaning up the last pieces of glass and grabbed a kitchen towel to dry any the wet area around the sink where he was previously cleaning dishes.

The door opened and yelling was heard "what's up Hyunjin, hows your day" Jisung yelled "yo Hyunjin" Changbin yelled afterwards "H.Yun.Jin" Minho greeted making Hyunjin smile at the 6 boys who greeted him. "What's up guys, come in" the tall blond spoke opening the door wider to let the 6 loud boys in.

The boys entered the house and looked around, no it wasnt there first time there, it's just the size of the place that never fails to impress them. "Wow, it's so clean here, honestly I could never but like wow" Chan spoke.

"Honestly. I feel like every the I come here I need to clean my house" Changbin then spoke.

"Yayaya, that's enough, let's watch a movie" Hyunjin suggested making the six nod and walk towards the living room. "Seungmin could you make us popcorn" the tall blond nicely asked on his way to the living room as if nothing happened between the two "yes, I'll be there in a few" the brown haired boy responded, starting to limp to get the popcorn.

The boy soon had the popcorn ready and limped to the living room with his hands full, handing Hyunjin and the rest popcorn. The youngest boy amongst the group, who received the popcorn, watched the brown haired boy walking back  to the kitchen and noticed he was slightly limping, mentally deciding he was going to ask the brown haired boy about it later.

"What movie should we watch?" Hyunjin asked "let's watch Frozen" Jisung suggested "no, fuck that, let's watch Madagascar" Felix argued "no no no, fuck both of y'alls opinions, let's watch the Conjuring" Minho suggested "shit, I'm down" Chan agreed "same here" Changbin also agreed.

"Conjuring it is" Hyunjin said putting the movie on, then throwing some popcorn in his mouth. The boys grabbed the blankets that were on the couch and shared it with one another.

"Seungmin why dont you join us" Jeongin asked looking at the brown haired boy who was putting dishes away making Hyunjin annoyed "just watch the movie, he's busy" "doesn't matter, come spend some time with us Seung" Jeongin spoke again.

"I- I really shouldn't, I'm going to continue cleaning, thank you though" Seungmin said with a bow and continued cleaning "but Seungm-" "just stop, he said he's busy" Hyunjin spoke annoyed the youngest wanted to bring Seungmin to their hang out time.

The youngest looked at Hyunjin then down "sorry" he apologized to the blond "it's fine, just watch the movie and ignore him" Jeongin looked at Seungmin with sad eyes one last time before looking at the TV.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now