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After eating, all eight boys made it to the living room to play video and board games. "Seungmin~ let's go cuddle" Hyunjin whined to the brown haired boy making him smile and hum with a small nod.

"Seungmin, let's play with Lego's" Minho said with Changbin looking at the brown haired male also waiting for an answer. The small boy looked at Hyunjin that had glaring eyes at the two elders who asked his husband the question, then back to the two waiting for an answer.

"Hyunjin, you have later to cuddle with Seungmin" Chan spoke from behind Changbin and Minho.

Hyunjin sighed rolling his eyes "fine" he said then walked away slouching, then sitting down on the couch with his arms crossed.

While the boy went to go play Lego's, Jeongin back hugged Seungmin, who was sitting, and placed his head on his shoulder. As this happened, Hyunjin watched from the couch with jealousy while glaring at Jeongin.

"Calm your titties, or are you mad he couldn't cuddle with you, or are you perhaps jealous of Jeongin, Minho and Chabgbin" Felix teased sitting next to the blond leaning to him "shut up, I'm not jealous" "oh yeah? Let's see" Felix said getting up from next to the older to go to Seungmin.

He walked over to Seugmin and hugged the brown haired boy as he sat on his lap. Seungmin hugged back and continued playing with the Lego's. (Jeongin is back hugging Seungmin and Felix has his legs wrapped around Seungmin's waist and his arms are on Seungmin's neck.)

While playing with the Lego's, the small brown haired boy felt a kiss on his neck from Felix. He paused and looked at the freckled boy "is everything okay" he asked "mhm, you're just warm" the freckled boy said looking at Hyunjin.

Jeongin saw Felix looking at Hyunjin and smiled, he knew what the freckled boy was doing so he decided to go along with the older.

"Seung, can I get a kiss" the youngest asked "a- a kiss?" Seungmin hesitantly asked in a little panic. "Please, just on the cheek" the brown haired boy kissed the youngest on the cheek and went back to building.

Hyunjin watched his husband with jealousy and glared at Felix and Jeongin. "Seung, is it okay if I sleep here for a little" Felix questioned making Seungmin nod.

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