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Once the blond got to the door, he put on a bright smile greeting the four adults "hey boys, hows everything" Hyunjin's mom asked with a present in hand for the brown haired boy while hugging the boys "hello, everything's alright, thank you" Seungmin responded with a bright smile.

"My son, happy late birthday" Seungmin's dad spoke to the brown haired boy "thank you dad!" the two hugged. After all four of them greeted each other, they sat down on the living room couch and started a conversation.

"So what'd you boys do yesterday for Seungmin's birthday?" Seungmin's mom asked with a smile "well, we went to the mall and Sky Zone then we came back home to cut the cake and I gave him a gift" Hyunjin lied to which Seungmin smiled and nodded along, sitting next to the blond holding his hand.

Seungmin loved when his parents came over, yeah he liked their presence but he loved that he could be all cuddly with Hyunjin without his parents asking or Hyunjin rejecting it.

"Awe, that's amazing" Wonpil said looking at the couple infront of him "instead of talking about celebrating, let's go celebrate right now" Hyunjin's mom announced making all of them agree.

After making their way to the kitchen island and sitting down to sing the brown haired boy happy birthday, they cut the cake. (The cake with Felix and Jeongin was a small one big enough for just the three).

They then gave their gifts to the brown haired boy who had a smile of joy on his face "thank you guys so much" he thanked after receiving each gift. The four parents really knew Seungmin's likes and dislikes, which the small boy was greatful for.

"Yeah, no problem honey, you deserve it" Seungmin's mom gave a warm smile "alright guys it's..... 10 already, we should get ready to go to bed" Hyunjin's dad announced.

"Ah, yes, let's go to bed, boys is it the same rooms like before?" the taller's mom asked "yes, your clothes are still there and they're clean so please don't worry about that" the brown head spoke.

"Thank you, honey" the woman who spoke thanked the youngest "no problem" the three couples got up and went to their separate rooms, Seungmin following after Hyunjin to the blond's room.

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