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The youngest looked at Hyunjin then down "sorry" he apologized to the blond "it's fine, just watch the movie and ignore him" Jeongin looked at Seungmin with sad eyes one last time before looking at the TV.

An hour had passed and Jeongin needed to go to the restroom so he got up and left. After using the restroom, the youngest looked around for the small brown haired boy, finding him in the other restroom not too far from the one he was at.

He stopped and watched the brown haired boy, seeing blood covering the older's hands. Jeongin then jogged to Seungmin, worried about what happened.

"Seung what happened? Are you okay? Where's the blood coming from" the younger asked inspecting the brown haired boy's body. During this Seungmin had a straight face "it's nothing, I'm fine" "Seung did he hurt you?" Jeongin quietly asked.

"A little, it's nothing though" Seungmin said trying to convince the younger he was fine and that Hyunjin didnt hurt him.

"What do you mean its nothing?! There blood everywhere!" the black haired boy spoke "fine! I dropped a glass cup on accident and he got mad then pushed me into the glass. Happy?!"

Seungmin let a few tears fall thinking of how he was getting treated by someone he really cared about making Jeongin got and hug the boy who balled up his fist to not get blood anywhere.

"Is that why you where limping, it's in your foot huh? I saw a faint bloody footprint but didn't think anything of it, I'm sorry, do you want me to help you" the black haired asked pulling back from the hug.

"No, it's fine I can do it on my own" "are you sure" "yeah, now go watch the movie" Seungmin said wiping his tears away with the back of his wrist.

"Okay.... I'll be watching TV but if you need help come to me" Seungmin nodded at Jeongin's words and smiled "bye bitch" "bye hoe" they jokingly called each other names while separating.

"What took you so long, where you constipated" Felix sarcastically asked "no, roamed around a bit, I was getting sleepy so I thought the walk could help" "mmm" the boy said signaling he understood what he meant.

They averted their attention to the TV but before that could happen, everyone's attention was on Seungmin who was in the kitchen with a white bandage wrapped around his foot, no sock on the other one, taking out a pan to start cooking for the 7 boys.

"I'm sorry" he apologized as he felt eyes on him, making Hyunjin roll his eyes "just ignore him-" "do you need help?" Felix asked going against Hyunjin's words.

"Uh- n-no, it's okay, I can do this myself, dont worry, thank you though" Seungmin once again declined the help being offered with a bow "are you sure?" Jeongin asked to which Seungmin nodded with a smile to.

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