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It was now the next day and Seungmin had Jeongin over to hang out with him "ooh put that on I want to watch it" "but I want to watch Moana" Sungmin argued.

"No, let's watch Garfield" Jeongin fought "I'm putting Moana on" "Seungmin put Garfield on!" "Moana" "Garfield" "Moana" "Garfield" "Moana" "Garfield" they argued back and forth with each other like little kids.

"I'm putting Garfield on, give me the remote" "no" Seungmin replied "bitch, give it to me" "fuck no, I'm putting Moana!" "put Garfield on" Jeongin demanded "I'm putting Moana"

"Give me the remote" Jeongin whined "grab it if you can short bitch" the brown haired boy said raising the remote above his head while standing on the couch making his sleeve to slide down, showing his cuts.

Jeongin got up and was about to reach for the control when he saw the cuts "Seungmin" "what, you give up" "no, it's not about that" "then what, is something wrong" Jeongin pointed to the older's wrist making the brown haired boy to look up and quickly put his arm down.

The brown haired boy then sat down and looked around, avoiding eye contact with the younger. "Seung" Jeongin softly spoke after a few seconds of silence.

"Seung, why" Seungmin looked down at his lap "I...." "Prince, I know you're struggling but you cant be doing this to yourself, two day ago shouldn't have happened the way it did"

"You know, I'm here to help, you can come to me like you did before. I really care for you and I'm glad Felix and Jisung found you or else I really wouldn't know what I would do."

The brown haired boy teared up a little from the black haired boy's words as the younger paused. "Please don't do this again Seung, I really do care for you. Let's go clean them,  hopefully they're not infected, then we'll put bandages on them okay?" (Idk if you can clean a cut after two days, I just dont do anything to mine)

The black haired boy softly spoke getting up, gently grabbing on to Seungmin's wrist that wasn't cut, making Seungmin get up and go with him to the kitchen.

They got to the kitchen and Jeongin lifted Seungmin up on the counter to sit while he cleaned the cuts. "I'm sorry for ruining the mood and wasting your time" the boy apologized making Jeongin sigh.

"Seung dont apologize, it's okay, you're not wasting my time, you never are" he spoke as he slowly stopped still havinging his head, focused on cleaning the cuts.

"Don't think so slowly of yourself, it hurts me knowing you dont think anything good about yourself when you're amazing" the younger stopped cleaning the cuts still having his head down making Seungmin look at him and notice tears rolling down his face.

"No dont cry because of me, I'm not worth your tears, but I'm so thankful you're here to help me, thank you so much" Seungmin said, lifting the younger's face to wipe his tears away.

"Dont say that, dont bring yourself down, dont hurt yourself anymore, dont do anything bad to yourself please" he cried then hugged the older.

"I'll try my best for you, thank you so much for caring" Seungmin hugged back also tearing up.

"Thank you" the black haired boy said "let's finish cleaning this and let's get back to watching movies yeah?" Seungmin requested.

Jeongin nodded, pulling away from the hug and continued cleaning then wrapping the boy's wrist. Soon the two boys went back to the couch and finally chose to watch Mr. Bean.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now