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The next day, Seungmin woke up with no Hyunjin next to him, he looked around the bedroom before heading to the kitchen, still not finding his husband.

"Kids, is Hyunjin with you" Seungmin yelled from the kitchen to the boys who were already awake, earning a 'no' from all six of them.

The boy was left confused as to where his husband could've gone on his day off of work without telling him. The brown haired boy sighed concerned for his husband but still got ready for his job he got a while ago.

"Seungmin, where's Hyunjin, isnt he supposed to be here today" Hanyu asked as he walked into the kitchen confused "he is but I'm also not too sure, dont worry, hes going to be back soon" Seungmin reassured packing his lunch, unsure if his words were true or not.

The brown haired boy bid his 'byes' to all six kids before leaving to go to work.


Hyunjin woke up two hours earlier than his husband and the six kids would, making sure no one would see him leave and texted someone before getting dressed.

After he was done dressing himself, he headed out the door, driving himself to a familiar building. He went inside the building and knocked on the door with the familiar numbers.

A few seconds of waiting and the door swung open, showing a girl Hyunjin had seen a lot recently. The girl engulfed the tall blond into a hug, not earning a hug back, giving him a kiss on the lips before letting him enter the house, still no response.

The familiar girl pulled Hyunjin to the living room and pushed him on the couch, the blond allowing her to do so. She got on top of the blond, straddling his lap, she kissed the older, to which the blond replied by lazily kissing back even if it meant nothing to him.

The girl soon made the kiss heated and she started grinding on the blond.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now