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The brown haired boy put his phone down and resumed his eating as he needed to start cleaning and cooking soon.

It was now 9 in the afternoon and Seungmin just finished cleaning and cooking, since Hyunjin should be home any time soon. Seungmin was now heading toward the basement door that was next to the kitchen.

The brown haired boy heard some keys struggling to go into the keyhole so he walked to the door to help, completely forgetting what Hyunjin said about bringing his girlfriend over and him staying in the basement.

Once the door opened, the view of Hyunjin making out with his girlfriend was presented to Seungmin, making the younger boy to look at two with tears forming in his eyes.

Hyunjin had Soojin's legs wrapped around his waist, his hands on her butt for support, her hands around Hyunjin's neck and in his blond locks.

A stray tear made it's way down Seungmin's face, yeah, sure he was used to it but every time it happened it hurt the small boy.

Hyunjin carried Soojin all the way to the couch where he gently placed her down, him following and getting on top of her.

Seungmin quietly closed the door and made sure to be quiet on the way to the basement as he saw Hyunjin kissing the girl's neck making her moan.

The brown haired boy was now silently crying in the corner of the small basement with the door close, his knees up to his chest, arms wrapped around his knees laying his head on his arms.

"I should've gone out with Jeongin as soon as I was done cooking" Seungmin blamed himself as to why he saw what he saw.

As he was crying, he heard another moan making him cry more. The more the small boy cried, the more tired he felt resulting in the tiredness soon taking over and him falling asleep.

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