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"Uh- n-no, it's okay, I can do this myself, dont worry, thank you though" Seungmin once again declined the help being offered "are you sure?" Jeongin asked to which Seungmin nodded with a smile to.

The boy was now done cooking for the 7 boys and was now placing their food on the big island. "Okay guys, food's ready" the group got up from the couch and headed to the island to sit down getting ready to eat.

Seungmin was standing next to the table looking to see if anyone needed anything "does anyone want something different to drink other than water" he asked "give me a beer" Hyunjin spoke making Seungmin nervously nod bowing afterwards.

Every time Hyunjin asked for a beer meant he was mad, stressed or annoyed. Right now Seungmin assumed the blond was annoyed by his presence, so he quickly grabbed the beer and quickly handed it to the blond with a bow after giving it to him.

"Let's start eating" the tall blond spoke "Seungmin aren't you going to eat" the youngest cut in before eating "oh, no, I ate before you guys came and I'm still full, I'm sorry" the black haired boy looked at the brown haired boy worried, mouthing 'is everything okay' making Seungmin hesitantly nod.

"Just ignore him, let's eat, I'm hungry" Hyunjin spoke getting mad. Jeongin slowly looked away from Seungmin to look at Hyunjin the the plate infront of him "youngest to oldest?" Changbin assumed to which everyone agreed.

After an hour or so of eating and talking, the groups of 7 boys got up taking their plates to the sink. After everyone put their dishes in the sink, Seungmin walked over to go clean them since he was still standing next to the table for the hour or more the boys where eating, giving them what they needed.

As Seungmin was washing dishes, he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and someone's head on his shoulder "you know, you dont always have to be cooking and cleaning, take a break, I'll do them" the brown haired boy heard Jeongin speak.

"I know but it's the best way to pay him back for the marriage" "Seung dont say that, anyone would be luck to have you, you do so much for him, leave the dishes" "but-" "no buts dry your hands, I'll do them" Jeongin fought.

"Are you sure?" Jeongin hummed to the question "thank you so much Jeongin" Seungmin softly thanked, turning around to hug the younger with a smile. "Now go rest, I can feel you almost sleeping" the black haired boy spoke feeling the older's weight leaning on him.

"Okay, thank you so much you dumbass" "no problem you bitch" the two pulled apart, Seungmin going to a guest bedroom to make everything seem alright between him and Hyunjin.

The boy at down in a corner of the room and pulled his knees up to his chest, leaning against a wall, slowly closing his eyes, then falling asleep.

The boy didnt sleep on the bed because he wasnt allowed to since Hyunjin told him the beds were for guest, not him. Seungmin being really in love with the blond, followed his orders, that's why he slept in the basement and not a guest bedroom.

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