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Hyunjin picked the sleeping boy (Seungmin) up bridal style and walked out of the bathroom to place him on the big warm bed, making the younger boy snuggle into the warmth.

The sleeping boy soon woke up and looked around, he wasn't on the bathroom floor. "Hey Princess, how'd you sleep" he heard the blond's voice entering the room making him quickly got up from the bed.

"What's wrong?" Hyunjin asked as he was fully in the room to see Seungmin standing next to the bed with his head down. "I'm- I'm sorry, I don't know how I ended up on the bed, please-" "Seungmin stop apologizing, I put you there."


The blond walked behind the brown haired boy to give him a back hug, both what Hyunjin said and did left Seungmin frozen in confusion. Hyunjin felt bad for making the younger think he couldnt sleep on a comfortable surface for even one night.

He regretted ever treating the younger the wrong way and leaving a bad memory about himself in the younger's head when the brown haired boy viewed him as the most important and amazing person ever.

"Hyunjin" the small boy's voice was heard making Hyunjin hum "please dont get mad but..... is everything okay, you never act like this to me" "I'm fine, can we stay like this for a little, I actually kind of enjoy it, now I see why Jeongin does this"

"You don't have to if you're comfortable with it" "no, I'll stay" Seungmin nodded and thought about his conversation with Jeongin. "......Hyunjin can I ask something from you" "go ahead" "I was talking to Jeongin not too long ago and he made me realize you aren't treating me right....."

"We've talked and I told him I'd ask you this, so now that I have your time and attention, I want to ask you to please treat me better, you don't have to, I was just getting too hurt by the way you treat me......" he finished saying and felt the older nod as he understood what the younger  boy was saying.

"I'm sorry, I should've just kept it inside-" "no, don't be sorry, I should be sorry, I've been an asshole and have now realized it for the, almost month, our parents have been here. Thank you for saying something about it, I'll try to treat you better" the brown haired boy smiled.

"You'll treat me better?!" the boy turned around and tightly hugged Hyunjin who hugged back "thank you so much" he let a few tears roll down from his eyes as he had a smile on his face.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now