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After a few minutes of Jisung and Felix silently crying and Seungmin sobbing, the three of them calmed down, the brown haired boy occassionally letting out small sniffles but was able to talk. 

"Seung.... what happened" Felix softly asked "....Hyunjin...." "what about him" the blue haired boy asked confused. "He told me to" hearing this made the other two look at each other and back at Seungmin.

"What the fuck, why'd he tell you that?!" "C-cause I was getting on his nerves" upon hearing this, the two were in disbelief "just because you got on his nerves?!" The two almost birthday twins synced "what did you do that made him mad?" Jisung softly asked.

"I... I asked if he was drunk, but it was my fault he got mad, he was just hugging me and I wasn't used to it since he did it when our parents weren't looking" he paused while talking to the other two who were confused "it really was my fault, I should've just accepted the hug."

"Why am I so ungrateful, why did I ask that, fuck I'm so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid bitch that I fucking am, I cant do shit right, that's probably why he doesn't like me" the brown haired boy accused himself while slightly hitting Jisung's chest, letting a few new tears roll down his face.

"Hey hey hey, Seung don't say that, you're not stupid or ungrateful, I don't know what you mean by he doesn't like you or doing things like that infront of you parents but hes the stupid one for not liking someone as amazing as you" Jisung reassured. (Bruh I had "someone as amazing as ññ, charmer, charmer" when I was trying to say 'someone as amazing as you')

"No, why are you saying that?! Hyunjin doesnt care about me, he loves Soojin, just please let me do this" the brown haired boy cried pushing himself off the blue haired boy's chest.

"No Seung, seriously dont do it please" Felix started tearing up again trying to hold the younger in place to not move from the hug Jisung had him in "but it's for Hyunjin, he wanted this, I'll give it to him"

"There's things you don't always give, this is one of those things you don't give" Jisung spoke to Seungmin.

Seungmin stopped pushing Jisung away and sobbed on his chest again. "I'm s-sorry" he cried "I'm sorry you guys had to take care of me and stop you from what you guys were doing" he apologized

"No don't apologize, it's okay, we weren't doing anything, you matter more than a walk" Jisung reassured patting Seungmin's head.

"Come here and give me a hug" the freckled boy told the younger who did as he was told, Jisung letting go of him allowing the boy to go to Felix.

The small boy hugged Felix crying while Felix played with his hair. "Its alright Seung, it's alright, come with us, we'll be taking you to our house to rest" the freckled boy softly spoke.

"Should I call Jeongin" Jisung quietly asked Felix making the freckled boy nod. "Okay, come on, let's go home" Felix spoke breaking the hug to start walking.

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