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Days had passed and the grandparents left to go back home for work, leaving the young parents with their six kids.

After they left, Seungmin had seen Hyunjin acting differently by hiding his phone when he walked into the room or flipping it so the screen was facing down. Seungmin has asked the blond why hes started doing this but the topic is always changed. (Ima be honest I put my screen face down even though I'm not hiding anything)


"Hyunjin, have you seen Zeyu's other shoe, he lost it and he cant find it" the brown haired boy spoke entering their shared bedroom, looking straight where the older sat on the bed, Hyunjin looking up, turning his phone off and putting it face down on the bed.

"U-uh, which one" "his converse" the younger spoke looking under the bed "the matching ones everyone has" the brown haired boy hummed in agreement.

"No, I-I think they might be in the wrong slot" his phone dinged while Seungmin got off the floor heading back to the bedroom door "I checked, they're not there, thank you though" Seungmin smiled and left ther room, closing the door behind him.

Hyunjin turned his phone back on to check the notification, while Seungmin looked for the lost shoe.

End of flashback

"Yo Hyunjin, have you seen my sunglasses, I need them or else my outfit isnt complete" Xinlong spoke looking at every shelf to make sure it wasnt on any of them.

Hyunjin was quick to change the tab he was on and look at his son "you have so many, which one" "the clear squared ones" Xinlong spoke while looking at his dad. (The photo on the top is him and his outfit)

"No, didnt you have them on last night when you were making the outfit" the tall blond spoke turning off his phone, putting it face down, giving some of his attention to his son.

"Yeah but they're not in my room" "sorry kid, dont know what to tell ya', that was the last time I saw them" "oh, well thanks though" Hyunjin hummed picking up his phone to give it his full attention again and the youngest in the room left.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now