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The boy didnt sleep on the bed because he wasnt allowed to since Hyunjin told him the beds were for guest, not him. Seungmin being really in love with the blond, followed his orders, that's why he slept in the basement and not a guest bedroom.

"Hey Seung" Jeongin's soft voice was heard infront of Seungmin (Jeongin was crouching) making him wake up "why didn't you sleep on the bed?" "Huh? Oh, Hyunjin says I'm not allowed to" the sleepy boy casually spoke "what the hell, if you dont sleep with him or the guest bed, where do you sleep?" Jeongin asked concerned.

Seungmin yawned "on the basement floor" after saying this the brown haired boy completely woke up and the youngest to gasp worried "wait wait, no I-I didnt say that, I meant..."

"Seung, seriously, he's not treating you right, hes told us many times, just today, to ignore you, he doesn't let you sleep on a bed or open clean space, he pushed you into glass. He's done so much more to you and you still won't let him go, please Seung, you're just getting hurt, let him go, you deserve so much better" the black haired boy softly spoke.

Seungmin was now tearing up "I know but I just can't, I dont know what it is or why I still love him. He's never treated me right so I don't know why I even started loving him in the first place."

"Why dont we tell your parents, wouldn't they want you to be with someone who cares for you" "no no no, it's okay, I'll try to tell him to treat me better, I just dont want to let him go" Jeongin sighed.

"Fine but if he continues please tell me or your parents" Seungmin wiped his tears away and nodded "thank you" "no problem" Jeongin looked at the small boy with a comforting smile before talking "well, I need to go, it's getting late, please take care, I'll see you another day, bye Seung, I love you"

"I will, I love you too, bye" the black haired boy got up with a smile on and left. The brown haired boy got up from the ground and made sure he didnt have any tears on his face, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

The boy then proceeded and left the room where he found Hyunjin and Soojin making out, Soojin in Hyunjin's lap, Hyunjin's hands on her butt. The small boy stared for a second, hurt. He then turned back and walked back into the guest bedroom to sit back down on the floor.

"Don't cry, he's not worth your tears. Get over him already. Don't cry. Don't cry" the boy kept telling himself as the view was nothing out of the ordinary and he was used to it. "Just stay in here without crying, do something to distract yourself" his mind spoke to him.

The boy got up and started cleaning the already clean bathroom as a distraction. After cleaning the boy had grown tired and slept on the floor again.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now