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After some heated activities happened between Hyunjin and the girl, the blond left the building and went back home to his six kids.

Once he entered the home, he saw the boys looking at him confused "where were you, you left without telling Seungmin" Zihao spoke out, the controller once in his hand now down on the couch.

"No where, I had something to do, I dont always have to tell Seungmin where I'm going" the blond replied taking off his shoes to go in the kitchen.

"Well yeah but he's your husband and you left him worried about you" the teenager said looking at the blond. "Fine, I'll tell him later" Hyunjin's spoke  going to the fridge to find some food the kids made, well food Hanyu made.

Time skip

Seungmin was finally done with work and he went home to be greeted by the six kids sitting on the couch while his husband was asleep on a separate couch facing the teenagers. The boy smiled at his family and went over to his husband with a smile.

He grabbed a nearby blanket, placing it on the sleeping blond, giving him a peck on the lips before leaving to the bedroom to get ready for bed.

"What'd you guys do today" Seungmin asked the teenagers infront of him after he was done getting ready "well, we" Zihao and Shuyang said in sync making them turn to each other with a glare.

"Well, we made, when I say we I mean I did it, we made food since fucking Zihao and Shuyang were arguing about how much water should go in the rice. Other than that, the others tried helping and we watched TV and played games afterwards" the oldest teenager spoke to the brown haired boy.

"That's boring, I thought you guys were going to go out or something but its alright, you guys were espending time with each other so it doesnt matter. When did Hyunjin get here" the adult asked to which Zihao responded to.

"He came like an hour or two after you left" Seungmin slightly nodded to the response he got and turned his head to face the TV infront of them.

"Let's... let's watch TV yeah?" Seungmin suggested making the teenagers run to the kitchen for snacks to eat during the movie, making the brown haired boy smile.

Hyunjin slowly started waking up to the sound of Shuyang and Zihao fighting about who gets the hot cheetos, Seungmin going to the kitchen to settle it out, not seeing his husband wake up.

"No, I'm getting them" Shuyang argued "no you're not, I am you bitch" Zihao said afterwards "fuck you, I want them" "suck ass, I'm getting them" "you bitch ass whore" "ass sucker" Seungmin cleared his throat making both boys turn to him.

"Share them or else I'm getting them" he threatened the two who gave each other glares, agreeing on sharing.

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