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The two then leaned in for a slow kiss with the same smile still on their faces as they kissed.

They both felt butterflies in their stomach, their hearts beating fast and faces turning red. After the kiss, Seungmin sheepishly hid his head in Hyunjin's shoulder.

"You're so pretty when you're shy" Hyunjin complimented his husband who let out a shy whine "stoopp~ I'm not pretty" "dont say that, you're perfect and dont say anything if you're going to disagree" the taller complimented again, looking the small boy in the eyes.

"Now let's eat, I'll serve the food, you sit down" Hyunjin spoke once again, going to grab dishes to serve their food on.

The blond was finally done serving their food making them both sit down next to each other. Hyunjin faced Seungmin and puckered his lips "give me a kiss please" the brown haired boy smiled and kissed the blond's soft, plump, pink lips making the older smile after the kiss in satisfaction.

"Um... Hyunjin...  do... do you still want the beers or no, cause if you do, I can go grab-" "no no, it's okay, you're right, I need to find a better way to relieve stress" Seungmin slowly nodded then took a bite out of the food.

After eating the pair went to the couch to cuddle and watch TV, which surprised Seungmin since he'd never seen Hyunjin so cuddly and accepting of his requests.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now