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"Oh...." "Seungmin-" Hyunjin tried speaking but cut off by Soojin "what do they mean he loves you and that I'm just a random girl you kiss, did you not tell them about us?!" "Soojin I-" "just shut up we're over, I only used you for sex anyways" Soojin yelled at Hyunjin and left through front door.

Hyunjin let a single tear roll down his face as he watched Soojin leave "EXPLAIN WHAT WAS GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO" Hyunjin's dad yelled to the blond.

The tall blond didn't know what to say, he opened and closed his mouth trying to process what just happened. "We... we were dating" Hyunjin spoke making all four parents to gasp "Seungmin, did you know about them" Wonpil softly asked his son while gently putting his hand on Seungmin shoulder.

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin and back to the ground thinking is he should tell the truth "I-I did" the brown haired boy's mom was about to speak but got cut off by the brown haired boy "but before you say anything, I-I just wanted him to be happy so I let him do what he wanted."

"Just please don't be mad at him, he just wanted to be happy" the youngest spoke to the parents. "Can you guys give us a moment" Hyunjin's dad spoke to Seungmin and his parents making his wife nod.

The Kim family left the blond's bedroom and the Hwang parents closed the door afterwards. "WHAT THE FUCK HYUNJIN, we leave you to take care of Seungmin and you decide to fucking date a random girl and have sex with her?!"

Hyunjin's dad yelled getting closer to his son "do you even think of how Seungmin feels knowing you do this with other people?!" Hyunjin's mom yelled afterwards.

Hyunjin let a tear roll down his face he was overwhelmed, he thought Seungmin killed himself because of him, he was worried where the small boy was, he saw the brown haired boy cutting, he got broken up with, his parents saw him with Soojin and now they're yelling at him. (Idk how feeling overwhelmed feels like 🙃)

"I-I.... I haven't until recently, j-just let me try again, I-I wont mess up this time" "before we decide that tell us how long it's been going on for" his mom spoke "no, j-just-" "tell us how long it's been" his dad yelled.

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