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Everyone then got up from the couch and headed out the door, putting their shoes on, on the way out.

After going out to eat, the parents and Hyunjin entered the home, taking off their shoes on the way in. They settled in the living room and started talking once again.

As they were talking, the door opened revealing a small brown haired boy who had his head down. Seeing the boy made Hyunjin run to the brown haired boy, hugging him as soon as he entered.

The brown haired boy slightly hugged the older back and started walking off after taking off his shoes and a few seconds of being there. "Seungmin are you alright, why didnt you text us you were going out for longer" the brown haired boy's mom asked concerned about her only child.

"Hey mom, I'm fine, dont worry, I didnt text you because my phone was dead and I didnt think I'd be out for a long time, I'm sorry" he stopped and apologized before he continued walking to the basement, Hyunjin following behind.

"Seungmin" Hyunjin called from behind the boy. The younger didn't reply and kept his head down "where were you?" No response. "Tell me where you were!" Still no response. "Seungmin answer my question" Hyunjin demanded.

Seungmin opened the door to the basement and entered closing the door behind him and infront of Hyunjin's face. The blond quickly opened the door and followed the younger, lowering his head as he walked due to the ceiling being low.

"Seungmin, answer my question!" again, no response.  "Seungmin, fucking answer my question, where where you?!" the older yelled as he agressively pulling one of Seungmin's arms to make the younger face him.

The small boy turned around with his head still down a single tear rolling down his face "now you're crying, what the fuck's wrong with you?!" the blond yelled again.

The younger just turned around and continued walking until he reached where his belongings were scattered on the dirty floor. The small boy wasnt given a wardrobe or anywhere to put his belongings so he had to put them on the ground even if it was clean.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now