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Two weeks had passed and the two made up but it was now nearing Seungmin's birthday. Hyunjin spent less time with Soojin and spent more time with his family but still getting the things from the girl just with not as much heated activities that meant nothing to him.

Right now, Hyunjin was on his phone texting Soojin about the thing he was getting, smiling at how the object looked until his husband walked in making him switch tabs.

Seungmin looked at him weirdly but still smiled sitting next to him "you okay" he asked Hyunjin. The older male simply nodded and watched YouTube on his phone with Seungmin also watching until he recieved a  message.

The message he was avoiding the younger to look at. Seungmin looked away from the phone and pulled himself off the older to get up, his smile leaving during the process. Hyunjin watched him get up but before the younger could go anywhere he grabbed his wrist.

"I know you saw her name but it's really not for what you think. I'm not doing it again, I'm getting something from her-" "no, it's okay if you are... I know I'm nothing beautiful like her or as good as her, so it's okay. As long as you're happy, I'm fine with it. I dont need to be your source of happiness even if it does hurt me" the younger's voice cracked while trying to get his wrist out of Hyunjin's hold with tears in his eyes.

"Baby dont say that-" "Seungmin, I need help-.... is it the wrong time" Shuyang asked slowly trailing off "yes it is, ask the others to help you and if you still need Seungmin's help, wait for him" Hyunjin spoke making Shuyang nod before leaving the room.

"Seung, please believe me, I really am getting something from her for something coming up" "maybe pleasure dates is what you're getting as something that's coming up" Seungmin said still not getting his wrist out of the older's hold, instead the grip tightened.

"That's not what I'm getting. I'm getting something that's not for me" "I'll trust you, but please let go of my wrist, you're hurting me" Hyunjin let go of the boy's wrist, seeing at pink circle around it making him feel guilty.

"I'm sorry Seung, I shouldn't have done that to you-" the younger left the room while Hyunjin was speaking, pulling his sleeve down to cover his wrist while trying to go find Shuyang to help him. 

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