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"Do you even think of how Seungmin feels knowing you do this with other people?!" Hyunjin's mom yelled

"I-I.... I haven't until recently, j-just let me try again, I-I wont mess up this time" "before we decide that tell us how long it's been going on for" his mom spoke "no, j-just-" "tell us how long it's been" his dad yelled.

"F-for three years, almost four" the blond responded letting another tear roll down his face "almost four?! You're so fucking selfish, you only thought about yourself but never Seungmin" Mr. Hwang yelled at his son that was sitting on the bed.

"Poor Seungmin, he tries his best to make you happy and you give this in return" Mrs. Hwang spoke thinking about the youngest boy. "Honey, leave him here, let's go check up on poor Seungmin" she spoke again, walking back downstairs with Mr. Hwang following her but giving his son a glare before leaving the room.

"Fuck!" The blond yelled "I fucked it up again, only if I hadn't gotten with Soojin none of this would've happened" he yelled after his thoughts. He spent a while frustrated at himself and his decisions that he soon fell asleep.

While Hyunjin was in his room frustrated with himself, the four parents were gathered around the youngest making sure he was okay.

Seungmin just nodded to their questions, saying he didn't mind what was going on between Hyunjin and Soojin. Hearing this made Wonpil speak up "why didnt you say anything to them" "cause she didnt know about me or know we were married" the boy informed.

"So he kept you as a secret?! What the fuck?! Do your friends even know you guys are married" Mrs. Hwang asked Seungmin "Hyunjin doesn't want them to know..... but I've told Jeongin without him knowing...."

"I didn't raise my son to be shit to someone, especially someone he's married to, what's gotten into him?!" Hyunjin's dad spoke. "Can we.... can we please change the topic, I dont want to talk about what happened anymore" the small boy quietly spoke, which the parents agreed to.

"Well then, let's go to sleep, it's already..... 2 AM and we leave at 5 AM later" Seungmin's mom announced making everyone look at each other  in shock "oh dear, let's go to bed" Mrs. Hwang spoke getting up from the couch to go to the guest bedroom.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now