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He looked over to the window and saw Soojin. He sighed and got up to open the window "what are you doing here" "don't ask, I'll show you" Soojin said climing to get inside, making Hyunjin look at her confused.

Once she was inside, she grabbed Hyunjin and pushed him on the bed. She then followed and climbed on top of the tall blond. "Its been almost two weeks, when are your parents leaving, I miss having fun~" she whispered seductively in the older's ear.

"They're leaving tomorrow, can't you wait" "no, it's been too long, let's do it tonight" she kissed the boy's neck "let's have fun, you look stressed, I can help you with that~" she said sucking on the blond's sweet spot making him moan.

"See, you want this too~" she kissed the the blond "Soo- ah~ jin, stop, my parents will hear us ah~" he moaned into the kiss grabbing her waist and he continued kissing her.

"Hyun- WHAT THE FUCK HYUNJIN" Hyunjin's dad yelled as he entered making the two kissing to flinch and back off each other. "D-dad, i-it's not what it looks like" "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING KISSING HER?! WHAT WAS SHE DOING ON TOP OF YOU" his dad yelled again.

"What's going on in here- who is that" Hyunjin's mom asked as the Seungmin's parents followed behind her. "He was kissing her while she was on top of him and he didn't push her away" Hyunjin's dad explained to the three other parents.

"What the fuck Hyunjin, how could you do this to Seungmin, he loves you and you go kissing other girls on the street" Hyunjin's mom yelled at the blond on the bed "what's happening" a faint small voice spoke from behind the parents.

"N-nothing honey, just stay there-" Seungmin squeezed his way through the parents. Once he squeezed through, he saw Hyunjin with Soojin and immediately knew what they were doing.

"Oh...." "Seungmin-" Hyunjin tried speaking but cut off by Soojin "what do they mean, are they saying that, that slut loves you and that I'm just a random girl you kiss, did you not tell them about us?!" "Soojin I-" "just shut up we're over, I only used you for sex anyways" Soojin yelled at Hyunjin and left through front door.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now