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The couple called their three friends, telling them to bring their significant other.

The couple's six friends made it to the house as a group and around the time the six teenagers made it home. They entered as a group and started yelling, startling the two on the couch.

"Son of a bitch" Seungmin yelled at the group "Seungmin" Hyunjin scolded "anyways" Felix spoke "slayyyy" Han yelled from the back as Zihao and Shuyang slightly shoved him, causing everyone to laugh and him to harshly shove the two teenagers, the two ending up on the ground.

"Let's do something" "let's play UNO" Jeongin suggested making everyone cheer in agreement.


It was now Seungmin's birthday and Hyunjin woke up early to make his husband (and kids) breakfast. By the time the blond was done cooking, Seungmin had woken up, looking for the older.

"He probably had work, it's okay" the brown haired male got off his bed to fix it and got ready for the day after he was done.

He walked from his shared bedroom to the kitchen, having plans on making food for him and the teenagers but is plans came to an end when he saw his husband cooking for him.

"Oh you're awake" Hyunjin smiled walking over to the birthday boy and kissing him on the lips. "Happy birthday, you're so pretty baby" Hyunjin complimented after the kiss while he held the younger's chin, causing Seungmin to smile shyly and look down.

"Thank you my love" he responded before looking back up to the older's eyes with love and a smile. "I love you" Seungmin kissed the blond again before he got a chance to reply "I love you too" Hyunjin spoke after the kiss.

"Let me finish this and I'll call the boys so we can eat together okay?" Seungmin nodded before he went to grab a cup of water and sit down on the counter next to the cooking boy, observing the taller with a smile.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now