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"No no I couldn't have, I still have to ask Jisung, Felix and Jeongin" he thought denying what he might've done.

Hyunjin called Jisung but there was no response. Then Felix and Jeongin, still no response. This made the blond frustrated but worried "fuck!! The one time I need them to answer the phone, they don't" he said starting to cry.

"Seungmin please dont be dead, I need you here. I'm sorry I never treated you right, I'm such an idiot to ever realize the effort you put just to take care of me. Why did you do what I tell you to?" he cried covering his face with his hands.

Without finding his husband, Hyunjin made his way back home while crying. He got home and went straight to his room without the parents realizing since they were focused on their talk.

Once in his room, he locked the door and went to the bathroom in the room, closing the door and locking it. Once both doors were closed and locked, Hyunjin cried in the corner floor with his knees up to his chest and his hands in his hair.

He cried for a while until he started calming down. He wiped away his tears with his hands and fixed his hair to look presentable enough to go downstairs.

He went downstairs and sat in the living room with the parents. "Its been a while, is Seungmin still not back" Wonpil asked "I don't think so but it's okay we shouldnt worry too much about him, he's an adult now" Seungmin's mom spoke.

"I guess you're right" Wonpil sighed "you alright Hyunjin? You look down" the blond's mom asked "huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, just stressed about work" he responded earning a nod from all four parents.

After the small conversation, the doorbell rang. Hyunjin ran to the front door, hoping it was Seungmin, only to be met with his girlfriend.

Hyunjin stepped out and closed the door behind him "what do you need right now" "why are you talking to me like that, I just want you" Soojin whined grabbing Hyunjin's arm putting his hand on her boob.

She got closer to him and kissed the blond "n-no, not right now, it's not the time, ah~" he moaned when Soojin went to suck his neck. His hands went to Soojin's waist and he rolled his eyes in pleasure.

He didnt want to do anything but it felt too good. He accepted what the girl was doing to him and kissed her back. The kiss started getting hearting and soon turned to a make out session.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now