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"Yes, I'm sorry" he quietly spoke not wanting to make it obvious he started crying again. The small boy laid down on the other side of the bed from Hyunjin, his back facing the older to let his tears roll fall and not let the older see.

"Gosh, why are you so sensitive when he talks to you? Why do you cry so much, do you know how annoying it is? You're bothering him. He deserves to be with Soojin, she's better than me anyways. She's pretty while you look like this, that's probably why he likes her" the poor small boy's mind spoke to him making the boy cry more.

Hyunjin on the other hand had heard the small boys quiet sniffing and questioned himself "did I make him cry?"

Hyunjin turned to face the younger's back and scooted closer to the brown haired boy without him noticing and wrapped his arms around his small waist, back hugging the younger.

He heard the younger stop sniffing and felt him relax. "H-Hyunjin-" "shhh, go to sleep Princess" "are you sure you dont want me to sleep on the groun-" "it's just for today, don't overthink it" Hyunjin sternly spoke not wanting Seungmin to think anything changed betweeb which worked as the younger wiped his tears away to not look weak infront of his husband.

"R-right, I'm sorry" with that, the small boy apologized and the spacious room went quiet. Seungmin's heart was racing, he'd never been hugged by Hyunjin, let alone when they were alone, he would always be the one to hug him when their parents were home.

He then also realized a word he's never hear the older call him, Princess. Seungmin smiled at the name he was called, it sounded right for the older to call him that.

After a few minutes of internally screaming and getting over his negative thoughts, the small boy realized the older fell asleep. When the small boy realized this, he slowly turned to face his husband with a smile, the older's arms still around his waist.

The boy that was awake stared at the sleeping boy's face, loving the older's facial features, the older was beautiful. While looking at the older's face, the boy's eyes landed on the red soft plump lips.

He stared at the lips for a few seconds and leaned in to gently kiss him. "I'm sorry, I really am, I know you wont ever love me or realize how much I really care for you, so please forgive me for doing this" the younger boy apologized with tears in his eyes while putting his head and small fists on the older's chest.

The boy cried on the older's chest until he fell asleep. Crying himself to sleep like almost everyday since he moved in with the older.

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