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"Fucking hell! Why does she always do this?!" Hyunjin yelled making everyone inside the house to stop what they were doing to listen.

"I fucking hate this bitch! Why did I have to get it from her?!" Hyunjin yelled again making the boys look at each other confused but making Seungmin get up "I'll go figure out what's wrong, you guys continue what you're doing" he reassured the kids who did as they were told, continuing their previous activities.

"Fuck! I dont want to do this!" "Hyunjin" Seungmin quietly spoke to his husband's as he entered the shared bedroom making his husband look at him.

"What do you need?!" the tall blond harshly asked "I-I... I was going to make sure you were okay, did something happen" the brown haired boy softly replied to the question, fiddle with his fingers, staying at the door where he was.

"I'm fine, it's just-" Hyunjin sighed running both his hands through his hair. The boy standing at the door took notice of the action and went to go hug his husband "hey, it's okay, tell me what's been on your mind" he spoke while the blond hugged him back.

"I can't, it's work, and something I'm trying to do that I cant tell you about" Seungmin hummed before responding "it's okay, I know work is stressful but you need to take a break in between yeah? As for the thing you're trying to do, I know it'll come out well, you always work hard and do your best."

"If you're stressed come talk to me about what you're stressed about, dont keep it to yourself, I'm here for a reason. I love you so much" the brown haired male comforted before speaking again.

"You okay now?" Hyunjin hummed then replied "thank you, I love your voice, it relaxes me when you speak like that so thank you so much, I love you too" the taller kissed his husband's lips earning a smile from the younger.

"When I speak like what" the smaller giggled with a warm  smile "you speak so gently and with so much care, I don't know how to explain it" the two shared a kiss again after speaking and continued hugging for a little.

Unwanted | Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now