First day

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I braced myself as I stood outside the Hawkins High cafeteria and took a long, deep breath before entering through the double doors. Just as I suspected; everyone stopped and went quiet. I felt hundreds of pairs of eyes on me, the newbie freak metal head with blue hair. Thankfully though it was only a matter of seconds before my cousin, Dustin, stood up and beckoned me over to his table.

I walked over to their table and saw that he was sat with Mike, who I already knew, a few others and sat at the head of the table was a human being who just simply stopped me in my tracks and took my breath away. His moody gaze bore through me and caused me to shiver with both excitement and anticipation. As I went to sit between Dustin and Mike, the head of the table pulled out a chair next to him and beckoned me to sit next to him. Now that was an offer that I wasn't going to turn down.

"Sit." He sounded confident and forceful. "So bluey, what should I call you? I am Eddie, Eddie Munson. Leader of the Hellfire club and this is my group." The striking stranger spoke and I felt my heart dance as his deep voice questioned me.

"It's Y/N Henderson. I'm Dustin's cousin and what on earth is the Hellfire club?" I retorted back while looking at Dustin with a look of sheer confusion.

"Well my dear lady, the Hellfire club is our club of freaks, weirdo's and nerds and we all love DND. Do you play?"

"Nope, Dustin has tried to teach me a few times but I was always too occupied with other things. Hence repeating the final year of high school. Wouldn't even know where to start to be honest with you."

"If that really is the case then maybe you should come to my trailer some time and I can show you the ropes, as the dungeon master I feel as though it is my duty. How does that sound to you bluey?" He clasped his hands together in front of himself and winked at me as he finished his question. 

I caught the corner of Dustin's eye and I have to admit that he didn't look too pleased at the conversation he had just heard but to be honest with you I wasn't really too bothered as to what he thought. I had a date, I had a date on my first day. At least I think it was a date, either way I was never one to turn down a good looking guy. Especially a fellow metalhead. "Ok. Sounds good to me. How about tonight? After school? Where is it though as I don't have my car with me?" I didn't have a car yet but didn't want Eddie to think that I was lame.

"No need to worry about that, meet me in the parking lot after final bell and then when we are finished I can drop you home in my van. Sound like a plan to you?" Eddie asked and then winked again. The wink alone had made my knees feel as though they were jelly and I began to wonder how on earth I was going to get up from the table without anyone noticing the effect that he had had on me.

Last period really could not have gone any slower if I had wanted it too. Every time I checked my watch thinking that minutes had passed it had only been a few seconds and I couldn't for the life of me remember the last time that I was so excited and anxious to spend time with a perfect stranger. Emphasis on the perfect. At last the final bell rang and I could not have got out of my seat any quicker or clumsier and I think that a few people wondered what the hell I was in such a rush for or wondered where the fire was.

I raced to the parking lot, all the time trying not to make it too obvious as to what I was racing for. Shit! Too late I thought to myself as I realised that Eddie was already waiting and was now looking over in my direction at me running to get to him so as not to waste any time. I slowed a little and tried to act cool. It was at this exact moment that both my feet decided to fail me. I tripped forward and fell landing flat on my face. I managed to turn my head but it really hurt as I felt my cheek connect with the bumpy concrete.

I took a minute to regain my composure before slowly lifting my head to try and look around, hoping not too many people saw me kiss the floor. As I did, I could hear everyone laughing, what a great way to start a new school. I finally got to my knees and realised that there was a hand helping me up. I'd never known anyone to wear rings on almost every finger before but it just suited Eddie. I took his hand and could feel the cold hard metal of his rings against my hand as he gripped me and helped pull me off the ground. "I feel so bloody stupid. That really hurt."

"You ok sweetheart? I know you wanted to impress me but I really didn't think that I would have you falling for me so soon." Eddie smirked and laughed slightly as he teased me. I could feel myself blushing all the way to Eddie's van but he didn't seem to notice. Or if he did, he wasn't showing it. He opened my door for me. "Hop in sweetheart, we'll head to mine and get that cheek of yours cleaned up."

This is a work in progress. Not written for a while and this is my first piece of fan fiction. Let me know what you think. :D

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