Dress decisions

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While Marcy was out the back we decided to start looking at dresses for Robin, although you could tell from her face that she really didn't want too wear a dress. I knew she was just doing it to humour me and I appreciated it. I had even offered at one point to let her wear a suit that matched Steve, Dustin and Eddie but she responded by saying she would rather a dress than wear anything outside of work that matched with Steve.

We flicked through the rails and narrowed it down to 3 dresses. A short one with no straps and very figure hugging, a frilly one which I couldn't look at without laughing and the one she picked. In the end she settled for a really simple floor length dress in deep purple satin with spaghetti straps. Simple, elegant and chic. Just as we were starting to discuss the trainers I was willing to let Robin wear under her gown out came Marcy with a dress bag draped over her arm. "I think we may have actually got it in your size if I am guessing right." I held my breath as Marcy unzipped the bag.

The dress inside was like something I could have only dreamed of. It was a white dress, however, it had a corset top which was covered in black embroidery and an asymmetrical skirt, knee length at the front and floor length at the back, covered in embroidery to match. Tears stung my eyes, it felt as though the dress was made for me. "Can I try it on?" I stuttered to get my words out. Marcy smiled and directed me to a changing room.

I slid out of my band shirt and jeans and into the dress. My dress. It fitted me like a glove. This dress was made for me. Even Marcy gasped as she finished doing up the corset at the back of the dress. I came out of the changing room and looked at Robin. "What do you think? Good enough? Do you reckon that I am worthy of wearing something as beautiful as this?"

"Oh my goodness Y/N, good enough? Really? Good enough? That is amazing, that dress was made for you and when Eddie sees you in it he is not going to be able to say anything other than I do." Robin gushed over the dress that I never wanted to take off.

Marcy turned to look at me. "Well Y/N, do you think that we have the dress for you sorted?"

I nodded. "I think we do. Because it fits me though does that mean I can take it with me today?" Marcy nodded. "Ok. Amazing. Fantastic. Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be that easy. How much extra do I owe you for mine and Robin's?"

"You know what, my Aunt was an amazing lady and she would hate to think that I even charged you a penny. In fact, it has been out back so long that I think it was waiting for you so consider it paid. In full." I gasped, speechless at her generosity. "Tell that Fiance of yours to pop in over the next few days and we will get him and his best man sorted too. I can even make sure that the ties match Robins dress. In fact, why don't we sort that out while you are here too?"

"Ok, I was thinking that they could have black suits, black shirt for Eddie and then white for Dustin and Steve and then the ties to match Robin."

"I have just the perfect items." Marcy walked away and came back a few minutes later with boxes of items in her arms. "Here are the ties." She held them against Robin's dress. "Perfect match. I will bag these up for you and then all that Fiance of yours needs to do is come and get measured up. Tell him that I need him and his groomsmen in by the end of the week so that Ican make sure I have the items in their size."

I grinned at Marcy in glee and flounced out of the shop on cloud nine.



It had been a few days since Y/N had picked her dress. I tried to sneak a peek but when she realised what I was doing she thought that it was best to send the dress to her Aunt's as that is where she would be getting ready. We were doing the traditional thing, I was staying at the trailer with Steve and Dustin and Y/N would be staying at her Aunt's house with Robin.

She had been nagging me every day for the last 4 days to go and see this Marcy chick about the suits. Steve and Dustin weren't busy today so now it was our turn to go and get the suits sorted. The 3 of us rocked up to the store looking like something out of a bad John Hughes movie. The Jock, the nerd and the metalhead. Marcy didn't seem shocked when we walked in though so she was obviously prepared. She stepped forward and greeted us.

"So would I be right in thinking you are Eddie, the groom?" She asked and I don't know why I did it but I bowed as I responded to her.

"Why yes m'lady, that would be I." I felt myself blushing with embarrassment, what a prick. Steve slapped a hand down on my shoulder and spoke for me.

"I'm Steve, the best man. You'll have to excuse Munson here, he is a little nervous about the upcoming nuptials." I nodded and just wanted to get this over and done with as quickly as possible. We had a small chat with Marcy and she disappeared for a few minutes, coming back with some suits she had already picked out for us based on what Y/N had told her we were wanting. To be honest though at this point I think that I would have pretty much offered to wear a trash bag if it meant that I could get out of here.

We picked simple black suits, nothing too expensive or fancy. Steve and Dustin had been told, not asked, told by Y/N that they would be wearing white shirts. They both agreed, life is easier that way. One piece of advice Uncle Wayne gave me, always say yes dear when your wife asks something like this. I, on the other hand, although I agreed that I would wear a black shirt I wasn't making it plain. I picked out a black satin shirt that didn't do up all the way, just so that on my wedding day you would be able to see some of my sweet old tatties. I was also going to be wearing my high tops. 

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