Lunchtime showtime

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The lunchtime bell rang and I raced to my locker to chuck everything in before heading straight to the cafeteria. I entered feeling more confident than I had the day before. This time round a few people stared but not as many as before but I did notice that a few of them were whispering, laughing and pointing. Oh well, I thought as I scanned looking for the Hellfire boys. I found them. I walked over and before taking the empty seat at the opposite end of the table to Eddie, I heard a cough.

"uh hum. Does the maiden wish to sit next to the dungeon Master? Gareth shuffle down and let the lady in." Eddie looked more relaxed now than he did earlier. Gareth begrudgingly shuffled down to allow me to sit next to Eddie. As I did so he smiled and squeezed my knee under the table, I smiled and winked back at him. I reached my hand down to meet his hand on my knee and traced my fingers along his knuckles to let him know I was ok with his hand there. "You ok sweetheart? Are you still ok sitting with me?" His constant need for reassurance was actually really sweet in a way. But at the same time it was so nice to feel that someone cared about me and my feelings.

"What did I tell you earlier? I want to be seen with you and if you carry on then I am going to show you how ok I am with being seen with you and give everyone in here a show. Do you really want that? Do you really want me to make a scene in front of every single person in this cafeteria?" I muttered quietly back to him.

He held his hands up and mocked me. "Ok, I get it. I'll be quiet now Princess." I gave him a stern look and he did the scolded toddler look back at me before grinning.

Dustin spotted our little exchange. "So what exactly is going on between you 2? You spent the evening together yesterday at Eddie's trailer, Eddie snuck in through your bedroom window last night and I am guessing spent the night to then come back this morning through the front door for breakfast and to give you a lift and now he is staying over again tonight. What the hell? Are you together or what?" Me and Eddie looked at each other slightly panicked.

"Well Dustin, when you are a little bit older you will know that people can spend time together and not be in a relationship." Eddie answered looking fidgety.

"I get that but you stayed over all night. In her room. I got up at 3am for a glass of milk and saw your van at the end of the road. So? Are you a couple or not?" Dustin asked as the rest of the Hellfire guys looked puzzled. I decided to have some fun and see how Eddie would react.

I got up off of my chair and said "Well, Dusty what do you think?" With this I jumped onto Eddie's lap and planted a kiss right on his lips, my arms wrapped around his neck. "Does that answer your question? Anyone else got any questions?" My voice grew louder as I noticed the cheerleaders looking over. Eddie gripped me tightly back.

"What the hell Y/N? What are you doing? You will be outcast? You will get shit off of the populars for this. Do you really want the shit that they will give you?"  He whispered angrily in my ear.

"Do you like me or not? If you do then just go along with it, you Eddie Munson are worth being outcast for." I answered back before kissing him again. This time his arms tightened around me and he kissed me back. I got off of his lap and stood on the table. "That's right ladies and gents, the blue haired weirdo likes the freak. In fact I like him so much I want to be in a relationship with Eddie the freak Munson and I don't give a shit what any of you think. Ok?" The cafeteria stayed quiet other than a few cheerleaders and jocks muttering to each other under their breath. I turned around and Eddie was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Eddie stood up and gave me his hand to help me off of the table and onto the floor. He placed a hand on my cheek. "That's my girl." He kissed me again and I guessed that we were now a couple. At least I think so, he could have just been playing along. I really hope it was more than that though. "Meet me outside after school and I will take you home. I just need to swing by mine though to grab a few bits first. That ok?"

"That is absolutely fine by me. We do have all night together don't we?" I left him stood there watching me leave. I could hear him behind me telling the guys that that was his girl. I felt my heart dance as I skipped to my next class. Who knew I could skip when happy? Then again who knew I could be happy? I just needed to hope and pray that he wasn't just a really good actor.

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