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It only took us about 20 minutes to get to the trailer park and directly to Eddie's trailer from school. As you entered the park Eddie's trailer was the very last trailer to your left. We parked up and it felt as though butterflies were dancing around inside my stomach and my chest. I even had to hide and stifle a little giggle with a cough. Eddie led the way up the trailer steps, opened the door and gestured with his hand for me to enter first. "After you M'lady." I smiled back and proceeded to enter. Unsurprisingly, the trailer was a little untidy but not dirty and smelt of weed, cigarettes and Eddie's now familiar cologne.

"Uncle Wayne, you here?" Eddie shouted as he walked over to the counter top. "He works funny shifts so I never know when he is here and when he isn't." He noticed a note on the side with a few bucks. It read; Pulling a double, be back in the morning. Grab a pizza on me. "Looks as though it is just us tonight though. Uncle Wayne is working a double shift so probably won't be back until 9am." He flashed the dollars my way and asked "Fancy splitting a pizza with me?"

"Sounds good to me. I only do Pepperoni though." I grinned waiting to see whether or not he was a Pineapple guy. That could determine just as much as the olive theory. I hated Pineapple on pizza and couldn't stand olives either. If he liked Olives then he was a keeper as it meant that he would eat my share so nothing was wasted and even better if he despised Pineapple as it meant that there wouldn't be any chance of  it tainting the rest of the pizza.

"So let me get this straight? Nothing else? No pineapple? No olives? What about extra cheese? I mean don't get me wrong, Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza but who doesn't like olives?" He asked.

It was almost as though he had read my mind. I couldn't help but smile as something so little meant so much to me. Silly really, isn't it? "Olives I can live with on pizza as long as you promise to eat mine so I don't have too. Extra cheese? Well, to be honest I just thought that that was a given." I could see that smile curling on his lips that Dustin had warned me he was known for and felt my knees go weak again.

While waiting for our pizza to turn up Eddie went to the bathroom and returned with a clean face cloth and some antiseptic cream. He boiled the kettle and tipped some into a bowl a quarter of the way and then topped it with cool water. I had a feeling I knew what he was doing and it was going to sting. We sat down on the couch facing each other and as I went to grab the cloth, Eddie's hand stopped me. "Don't. I'll take care of it sweetheart. "He then started to clean it with such gentle strokes that I only flinched once. I closed my eyes as he continued cleaning me up. I opened my eyes and noticed he was staring intently at me. Our eyes locked and his pressure on my cheek increased. It made me jump and broke our gaze. "Shit, sorry Darling. You ok?"

"I'm fine. That was just a little hard on my cheek, but I'm ok." I smiled and reassured him that I was alright. I could see the concern in his face. Was that because I made him jump? Did he think he had done something wrong? Or was he upset at the thought of hurting me? I didn't say anything and left it at that.

After my cheek was cleaned up we sat and chatted while waiting for the pizza to arrive. We spoke about how our parents weren't around for us and we were raised by others. Him by his Uncle Wayne and I was raised by my Nan after my Dad died but sent to live with Dustin and his Mum when she became too ill to have me around. We also shared a mutual love for the guitar, horror movies and obsessions with some of the coolest metal and rock bands around. We were both sat on the couch facing each other deep in conversation when the door knocked and jolted us back to reality. Eddie stood up and laughed as he said "Sit tight, I'll grab it."

I did as I was told and stayed sat where I was, it was only a few steps from the couch to the door so I am not too sure where it was he thought that I was going to run off too as he would have seen me move. Eddie placed the pizza and cans of soda down on the coffee table in front of us and leapt back onto the couch nearly landing on my lap. Can't say that I would have minded too much though if I am completely honest.

 As he almost fell into my lap he leant his head back so his head was on my shoulder. I took a deep breath in and took in his smell. It was heavenly, manly and musky yet I couldn't get enough of it. It was obvious that he was goofing around but it was so hard not to at least kiss the top of his head. I composed myself and playfully pushed him up. "Come on you goon, get off of me. Your olives are going to get cold and I don't want them left on my slices too long." I had to say or do something to get him up before I did something silly that would probably leave him laughing at me.

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