Belated celebrations

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Eddie tried to run towards me and hug me, it almost felt as though this is what we needed as well as the test. Steve jumped up out of his chair whooping and shouting as though he had just been given a pass from death row. Robin just laughed. "Beers all round." I shouted, although the test had said negative I still needed that confirmation. Dustin jumped up and ran to the kitchen counter. "Except you and Max, Dusty bun. I am not bringing that shit to my doorstep thank you very much." Dustin stuck his tongue out at me and walked back to the sofa before flopping.

The next few hours were spent chatting and drinking together. No one had actually spoken about or pointed out the ring on my finger. Maybe they hadn't spotted it. That's when I looked down and realised I hadn't put it back on when I washing up some plates for us to all have lunch. I walked over to the sink and it was gone. I started frantically searching for it when Steve saw that I was panicking. "Are you ok Y/N?"

"No. I took my engagement ring off so I could clean some dishes for lunch and now I can't find it. I can't tell Eddie I have lost it though. I need to find it before he realises that I even took it off."

"It'll turn up. Try not to look so panicked though or he will figure out that something is wrong. Calm down." I nodded and went back to my seat trying not to worry too much. It has to be around here and there was no point stressing out Eddie. That's when I noticed he wasn't here.

"Guys? Where's Eddie gone?" Everyone looked around at each other before Dustin answered me.

"He just had to go in the bedroom for a few minutes. He said he needed to sort something out and he will be back out here in a few minutes." I stomped off towards the closed bedroom door and banged.

"Eddie? What's going on? Are you ok in there?"

"I'm fine babe, give me 2 mins and I'll be out." That was weird but I walked back to the sofa.

Robin put her arm around my shoulder. "He's fine, I'm sure nothing is wrong." Robin looked as though she was hiding something from me. What the hell was going on now?

After a few more minutes Eddie came towards us grinning and fully dressed. He walked over to the sofa still grinning like a clown and sat next to me. Everyone looked at him, almost like they were expecting him to do something. He put his hand on my knee. "You ok sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I'm absolutely fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I answered him trying to be as calm as I possibly could be and keeping my hand hidden from him.

Before I could say or do too much though, Eddie was down on one knee in front of me. Shit! Was he about to propose again and I didn't have my ring. "Y/N, I have loved you since I met you and despite everything that has happened I can't help but feel as though it has brought us closer together. I know you already put the ring on but when I saw it on the sink." I breathed out a sigh of relief, he had it this wholetime. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket. "I couldn't help but want to put it back in this box and be able to ask you properly in front of our friends. And Steve." Eddie chuckled and looked over his shoulder at Steve. "I'm just kidding, I have some friends who wouldn't have done for me yesterday what you did for me, so we are good. As I was saying, I want you Y/N to place this ring on and answer me one very important question. Will you marry me and become Mrs Y/N Munson?"

I started fighting back the tears and this time it really did feel as there was no reason why I would want too say no. "Mr Eddie Munson it would be an honour and a privilege to be able to call myself your wife. So yes, I will marry you. If I could marry you tomorrow it wouldn't be soon enough."

Eddie took the ring and placed it onto my left hand ring finger. Our friends celebrated and congratulated us. Eddie looked at Dustin and Steve. "By the way, while we are talking about weddings. Will you both be my grooms men?" Dustin ran at Eddie and winded him as he tried to jump up to hug him, so I am guessing that that was a yes.

Then it was Steve's turn to answer. "I appreciate that you would ask me but are you really sure that you would be ok with that?"

"Dude, what happened a few weeks back is behind us. Yesterday you saved my life, you bought my van home, you got Y/N notified and got her to the hospital for me. Then today you swing by and check on me with a crate of beer. I think we are good, don't you?" Steve nodded and smiled. "As long as you keep your hands to yourself from now on then we are diamond." Eddie winked at me to show me that he was joking but semi serious at the same time.

Steve stood up and walked towards Eddie. "In that case, I would love to be your Grooms man." He reached his hand out for Eddie to shake, which Eddie did then bringing him in tight for a hug. Things were finally feeling as though they were slipping into place. 

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