Screw up

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I sat on my bed thinking about what I had actually done and couldn't believe I had almost done the ultimate betrayal. I had almost been intimate with Steve Harrington of all people while my loyal and loving boyfriend sat downstairs with my cousin. The guilt knotted in my stomach and made me feel physically sick. I got dressed and went downstairs but as I did so, Steve was sat on the bottom stair biting his nails. He heard me coming and spun around. "Y/N we have a problem. Eddie heard something but I don't know what. He is sat out in his van. Dustin said he came upstairs and when he came down he said nothing but grabbed his jacket and left."

I jumped and missed out the last few steps, threw on my converse and grabbed a coat. "Leave it to me. Maybe I need to come clean and let him decide what happens." Steve placed his hand on my upper arm, kissed my forehead in a friendly way and left me too it. I walked out into the snow and headed round back towards Eddie van. I could see from here that the windows were creamed up. That was never a good sign.

I tapped the window and motioned for Eddie to let me in. He did so but I could see the anger and upset in his eyes. What had just happened and what exactly had he heard or seen? "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you sat out here getting high?" I asked trying to figure out how much he had heard.

He sighed angrily before answering me. "Just after Harrington came upstairs I decided to come and see if you were ok." I could feel my heart starting to race. "The door was slightly open and I saw Steve sat on your bed like he was waiting for you and then I heard him ask if you were ok and you told him I rejected you. Why would you say that? Why would you open up to Harrington of all people? Why would you think that I was rejecting you?"

"I didn't mean for you to hear any of that but I needed to know someone else's perspective. I was hurt and upset. I felt like you didn't want me and I felt rejected. It really hurt. Did you not hear what was said after that then?" I asked panicking but also slightly relieved as the tears started to fill my eyes again.

"I didn't want to hear anything after that so I came out here to relieve myself so I didn't lash out at you. Why? What was said?" Eddie seemed snappy and he had plenty of rhyme and reason to be.

"I screwed up by telling him but I needed to talk to someone. He told me though that you weren't rejecting me and that you probably doing it so that you didn't hurt me. He was actually in your corner defending you and trying to make me see sense." Eddie seemed to relax a little at this. Thankfully it seemed as though he hadn't heard or seen what followed but this was too close and the thought that I had potentially just lost him over a quick make out and grope was too much for me. The guilt was horrendous and I had to try harder to make sure that it didn't happen again.

"I'm sorry doll, I should have explained it that way to you. I never meant to make you feel as though I didn't want you. I would have you here and now if I could but I don't want to hurt you or make you too sore. We have plenty of time to enjoy everything. I love you Y/N." Eddie reached over and start caressing my cheek before pulling me into him for a kiss. This kiss was exactly what I needed from him earlier before I screwed up and allowed myself to fall for the charm of the hair. Why the hell couldn't he have done this when I needed him too?

We stayed in the van for a little bit longer until it just got too cold for us to be out there. "Do you think that we should maybe move back inside now? I shouldn't have opened up to Steve and I am sorry but it isn't his fault. If you need someone to blame then blame me."

"I don't blame you, I should have been clearer. Just promise me that next time, we talk, even if it ends in an argument." I nodded my agreement. "Come on, let's go." Eddie smiled, jumped out the van and came round to help me out so that we could walk back in together.

As we walked in Dustin and Steve were sat in the living room messing around and joking together. We walked in holding hands. Steve looked up, nodded and reluctantly smiled. He knew I had made my choice and seemed to be accepting it.

"Are you ok man? I'm sorry, really sorry but are we cool?" Steve asked Eddie, looking a little confused and trying to decipher exactly what Eddie had seen and heard.

"Yeah we are cool. Y/N explained that she opened up to you and that you put her mind at ease so thanks for that dude." Eddie answered and threw himself down onto the sofa. Steve looked over at me and I winked back to let him know all was good. I then took my seat next to Eddie.

"So who wants to watch a slasher flick before we order pizza?" Dustin always had a way of easing the tension.

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