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18 months have passed since we exchanged vows in front of our loved ones. My Mum was told once we were married and she was actually relieved and happy but for all the wrong reasons. She sent us the money for a bigger trailer and that was that. We haven't heard from her since, I believe her last letter said something along the lines of; this is the last thing I will ever buy for you. She's your problem now Edward.

Oh well, you know what they say, if you wait long enough then the trash will take itself out. I finally after all of these years knew exactly where I stood with her. I didn't need her. We have a 3 bedroom trailer on the same site we were already living on, Steve now rents Uncle Wayne's trailer so that he could get out from under his parents roof. We thankfully went onto have 2 beautiful healthy babies. The twins were born at 35 weeks on 16th December, Ozzy James Munson arrived first weighing 5lb 6oz followed 15 minutes later by his screaming banshee of a sister, Gypsy June Munson weighing 4lb 9oz. They were both tiny and slightly premature but healthy.

My Aunt is known as Grandma to them and Uncle Wayne is known to them as Pop Pops. They may not have been our biological parents but they were better so we both agreed that they had the right to essentially be honorary grandparents. Uncle Steve, Aunt Robin and Uncle Dustin loved babysitting them and were always on hand to help with them when we needed it. Especially now that they were nearing a year old and learning to walk.

I still do part time hours at Family video and Eddie does the odd shift at Surfer boy whilst training to be a mechanic. Life is good and it is about to get even better, I stared down at the white stick in my hand. Eddie always wanted a big family, I just hope he is prepared for 3 kids under 2.

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