Family explanations

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When we got back into the house everyone was mingling and chatting. Robin came straight over to us. "I told Eddie why I said no Robin. I have explained everything to him and I mean everything."

"Ok, that's good. I told everyone that the pair of you are both stressed with school and the break up issues and Y/N panicked but things are ok now. I have also told them that they are not too mention the failed proposal." Robin smiled and did a double thumbs up before prancing off to chat to Dustin and Mike.

The next few hours were passed with talking, eating and drinking. Then the time came for the talk I was dreading but knew would be coming. My Aunt asked if she could speak to me for a minute. I nodded and followed her out to the garden for some peace and quiet. "Are you actually going to speak to me and tell me exactly what has been going on between you pair over the last few days? Things were going great and then next thing I know you have broken up, got back together and now you reject his proposal. Why? What aren't you telling me? Is there anything you think that I should know?"

I shuffled my feet and looked at the floor with my arms wrapped around myself. "I don't really want to talk about it but do you not think that I am too young to get married? Are you asking me to accept so that it suits you? You do realise though that if I get knocked up or married and move out the money for looking after me from my Mum stops." I went on the attack, why was she so bothered anyway. Or was she prying to try and make sure the cheques kept coming.

"Is that really why you think I let you stay here?" She looked hurt and tears started to well in her eyes. "I took you in when no one else wanted you because you needed the stability. You needed somewhere to call home and finally feel settled. You needed someone to be a Mother figure to you while your no good Mother was off in England with her new family ignoring you and playing happy families. Moving to a new Country at this age where no one wants you and no one knows you would have sent you off the rails and you needed and deserve better than that. I took you in because I wanted too. Yes, the money helps and means you can stay and you don't have too work or pay me board so that you can concentrate on school. But you needed me as much as Dustin needed you. He loves having you here and he looks up too you and always has. So are you going to continue playing the victim or are you going to grow up, be an adult and tell me the real reason you said no to Eddie?" I burst into floods of tears, that was the first time she had admitted that she wanted me here.

"We broke up because I cheated on him with Steve and I didn't want to say yes just yet. I need to finish school or at least know that Eddie and I are ok before saying yes." I wasn't going to let her know everything. If I had done that then there would be a good chance that I would be on the next flight out of here to Heathrow.

"I can't say that I am not disappointed but well done for admitting your indiscretions. I can understand why you would say no, you need to establish things between the both of you again before you go down the aisle. Just don't hurt him again, he loves you. I haven't seen young love like this since your Mother and Father first met and until all the issues, they were happy. Don't ever think that one issue will ruin a relationship. These are the things that make you stronger and I know for a fact that Eddie Munson has his own problems that you see past as well. You'll get through this." With that she hugged me, kissed the top of my head and walked back into the house.

Eddie was stood at the door looking worried. I smiled at him while wiping the tears away to try and let him know that all was good. Or at least I was going to try my hardest not to fuck up again and make sure that things were good between us.



Y/N didn't look too upset and she smiled so that must be a good thing but I couldn't help but wonder exactly what it was that her Aunt was discussing with her that drove them both to cry. I didn't know if I should go out to her or wait for her to come in.

After a minute neither of us moved so I went to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Everything ok Sweetheart?"

"Everything's great or at least it will be. I am going to make sure of it. Let's just say that she gave me a lot of home truths and a little bit of a wake up call but we are all good." I looked at her a little confused but if that was all she wanted to say then I wasn't going to push her.

"Ok, as long as we are all good. Shall we got back in?" We went back in and I smiled to myself knowing that the proposal for me was just the small gesture. The bigger one was yet to come, I just hoped that she was more accepting of the grander gesture.

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