True presents

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I returned back to the living room confused but decided to try and ignore what I had just overheard. I was getting lost in my own thoughts when the front door knocked. Dustin ran and opened it. "Hey Wayne, come on in." Uncle Wayne followed Dustin into the living room and said his hello's. My Aunt came in from the kitchen, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"Go on then Wayne, give it to her. I have been waiting all morning for this." My Aunt seemed too eager and excited over something. Uncle Wayne tossed me a key.

"Here you go Doll, go check her out." I caught the key and looked in shock, it was a Mustang key. I jumped up off of the sofa and went to the front door. There in my driveway was the most stunning White Ford Mustang that I had ever seen, almost identical to the one my Dad had while I was growing up.

"Is that mine? Is that the present that you were waiting for?" Everyone smiled at me and nodded. "When did you guys get me this?"

My Aunt came forward and started talking. "Your Mum sent us some money and asked us to get a car for you but when Wayne found this one we all added some too it as I knew how much you loved your Dads. Wayne even checked it over for you and we made sure to have 4 new tyres put on her. I got you the car mats and fluffy dice and Wayne got you the seat covers. Eddie's present is in the back." I looked over at Eddie and he nodded. We all made our way out to my new set of wheels.

I opened her up and sat in the driver's seat. She was beautiful and I couldn't help but cry, for once they were tears of happiness. Eddie jumped in next to me. He reached behind my seat and picked up his metal stashbox and passed it to me. My Aunt, Dustin and Uncle Wayne were stood outside the car watching us. I looked at Eddie nervously. "Are you sure that you want me to open this? Here? Now?" He nodded, so I cautiously opened it. Inside wasn't the usual lighters, papers and baggies but 2 paper contracts. I removed them. "What are these for? I'm really confused."

Eddie smiled, took a deep breath and started talking. "Well, one of them is a contract for a job. I got a job at the new pizza place 3 doors down from family video doing the same shifts as you so that we can both save towards our future." I tried not to cry more. "I'm going straight and leaving that other shit behind. The other is a tenancy contract. Uncle Wayne, do you want to finish?"

Uncle Wayne cleared his throat. "Well Doll, I have been offered a 6 month placement in Georgia and it is too good for me to turn down. It is possible that it may be longer but for now it is 6 months, starting in 2 weeks. While I am gone I will need to rent the trailer out." My eyes widened as the realisation set in. "That there is a 6 month rental contract in your name and Eddie's name for you to rent my trailer from me for 6 months and see how you go."

My Aunt interrupted. "But I will tell your Mother that you are still living here so that you get your car and your money each month and whatever she sends me I will pass onto you as well so that you can get yourselves a decent head start and concentrate on finishing school. Naturally though you don't have too if you don't want too. You are both more than welcome to stay here for as long as is necessary."

I looked at Eddie in shock and he looked scared. "Well? What do you say sweetheart? Despite everything and even though you won't marry me, yet, will you at least move in with me for 6 months and help me get straight?"

I choked back tears and nodded enthusiastically while everyone outside the car cheered.



She nodded, she actually fucking nodded. We were going to live together, we were going to be a real couple and possibly a family. The worst part is I don't even blame her for what she did, I blame Steve. He saw an opportunity and took it. If she was pregnant then at least we could be a proper little family in our own home and who knows, in time she may want to marry me.

Part of me was already wondering if it was too soon to ask her again. I really wanted her to know how much she meant to me and I still had the ring in my drawer in her room. I was going to keep it because I knew that there would be a time when she would wear it for me. I got out of the car and went round to the trunk. "Pop the trunk for me darling." She did so and I removed a few boxes Uncle Wayne had got for us. I gave them too her. "I thought that you would need to pack."

"Well someone was presumptuous, weren't they?" She joked with me, nudged me and then kissed me. "Maybe we can start after dinner and get the first things moved in. Would that be ok with you Uncle Wayne? Obviously we are going to need to drop you home so may as well get a few bits moved in." Uncle Wayne nodded to her.

"What can I say sweetheart, I know you better than you know yourself."

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