Where is she?

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Now that we were in the lead up to the last few months of school and finals, time was just flying past in a blur. All Eddie and I seemed to do was study and work, but we knew it would all pay off in the end. We decided to try and keep our wedding date from people for as long as we could but agreed that I could ask Robin to be my chief bridesmaid and we would tell Steve and Robin the date so that they could help us with arranging things.

It had only been a few days since we had not only decided how soon to get married but also booked the courthouse and got our licence. We hadn't started planning anything else as I wanted to speak to Robin and also confirm a few things with Elsie before we did anything else. We did our usual Thursday routine. Eddie dropped me off at work, kissed me and left to go to work himself.

I must have got there early as I was the only one there to do takeover. Steve and Robin were late but oh well, shit happens. I dismissed the afternoon staff and started doing what I needed too. Finally late, they both waltzed in. "Where the hell have you pair been? I've been here on my own for the last 20 minutes."

Robin looked giddy and Steve looked unimpressed. At one point I think I may have even seen a hair out of place. "She was late, not me. I found her under the bleachers with Vickie, turns out we have a little rebel on out hands. Don't we Buckley?"

"Robin Buckley? Is there something that you think that you want to tell me? Am I going to have to make sure that my Chief bridesmaid has a plus one?"

Steve grinned over at me knowing what I had just asked her. Robin seemed to snap out of it. "I will be requesting a plus one to your wedding please." She paused while Steve and I looked at each other waiting for her to realise. "Oh my god, you just asked me to be bridesmaid. Chief Bridesmaid? Do you really want me as your Chief Bridesmaid?" Robin was squealing and bouncing up and down on the spot in excitement. She ran around the counter and threw her arms around me. "I accept, now when do we go dress shopping?"

"Well, that's the other thing I need to tell you both. We set the date. We have already been down to the courthouse, got our licence and we get married. Soon." Robin and Steve both looked at me expectantly. Steve eventually gestured with his hand for me to carry on. "June 13th. Eddie picked it. It would have been my Dad's birthday."

"Congratulations. I knew you were going to plan it but didn't realise that you would be getting married as soon as finals are over. Also as Robin said when you are picking the dress?"

"Thank you and why are you so concerned about the dress? Are you hoping you won't pick the same one?" I teased and I felt so pleased to know that our friendship was at this point now. "I'm hoping to go to the place in town on my next Saturday off. Elsie, the lady that came in on Monday and gave me that envelope." I paused waiting for them to acknowledge that they knew who I meant. They did so I continued explaining. "There was a note telling me to go to the bridal shop as her niece owns it and Elsie will pay for my dress as a gift. I don't feel like I can accept it but wanted to speak to her and say thank you. She hasn't been in tonight though and she has normally been by now. If either of you see her can you shout me?"

They both agreed and I went out back to sort some broken cases that had been returned. I lost track of time and before I knew it, it was half past 7. I came back out to the front of the store. "Hey Robin, has Elsie been in tonight at all? I'm a little worried as she comes in every Thursday religiously."

"No, I haven't seen her. Steve? Has Elsie been in tonight? I haven't seen her, have you?" Robin shouted across to Steve who was sorting out some kids in the 18+ section.

"No, she hasn't been in tonight. Eddie did pop in though but you were in the restroom and he couldn't wait as he had pizza in the car. He said he is working until 10pm tonight, can we drop you home? I said no problem."

"Ok, thanks Steve." I turned to talk to Robin. "Do you think that we have missed her? Something doesn't seem right. She always comes in between 5 & 6 on a Thursday, she never misses it." Robin looked at me worried but did her best to try and calm me down. When 8pm came we locked up and all piled into Steve's car. We dropped Robin off first as hers was the closest to the store and for the first time in a while it felt a little awkward to be alone with Steve.

It was only a few minutes drive to mine thankfully but at one point Steve accidentally brushed against my thigh while changing gears. "Oh shit Y/N. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it." I knew he didn't mean it.

"I know, it's fine. Don't worry about it. It happens." I shifted slightly so that my legs were squished against the door. It didn't take long until we were outside our trailer. "Thanks for the lift Steve. Did you want to come in?" I was offering to be polite and things were no longer that tense between us but I did hope he would say no so as not to cause tension.

"No thanks, I should get home. I have stuff to do. Plus as much as things are cool with Eddie and I now, I don't want to push it. Do you get what I mean?" I nodded and kissed Steve on the cheek to say thanks before opening the door and getting out. "By the way Y/N." I leant down to look through the open door. "I'm really happy for you both. Just make sure you are marrying the right guy for the right reasons."

I closed the door and walked towards our trailer. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Was Steve still trying to mess with my head? Or was he genuinely just looking out for me?

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