Homeward bound

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I checked the clock and realised that it was getting pretty late into the evening and I should probably start thinking about making my way home. "I don't want to go home yet Eddie but I think I'm going to have too. If I don't then all hell will break lose when I finally do. Do you think that you could drive me home please?"

Eddie looked at me, sadness in his big brown puppy dog eyes. "I suppose that I should get the blue haired Maiden back to the dragon. Maybe we can hang out together again soon? Like, real soon?"

"I would really like that. What are you doing tomorrow after school Munson? How about you come over to mine? I'll cook something good." Eddie didn't look too sure. "Dustin is at Mike's for a sleepover with the other guys and my Aunt is at her Book club. Would you really want me left alone all that time and possibly overnight in a big house all on my own after making me sit through a scary movie with you?" I asked with a smirk and hoped that he would get the hint.

"Sure. Grab your things and I will take you home so that your Aunt knows that she can trust you with me. Are you ready for the questions that you will get though? Most people don't like their teenage daughters or in your case nieces hanging around with a 20 year old senior who is redoing his final year for the third time." Eddie looked down really nervously again.

"Did you not pay attention to what I was saying earlier? I'm 18 and this is my second time taking my final year so I think we are ok in that respect, don't you? Technically an adult, not a minor." I winked, hoping that he would get the hint. The grin on his face told me that he did. I know it sounded really forward of me but it just felt so natural with him nothing so far felt forced.

Eddie grabbed his jacket and keys and I grabbed mine. "Come on then sweetheart, let's get going before I chain you to my trailer and refuse to let you go." I laughed, not entirely hating the idea. I followed Eddie out of the trailer to his van. He went to the passenger door and opened it for me, he really was a true gentleman with things like that. It was so nice to be treated like this, rather than a weirdo.

Eddie closed my door and then ran round to his side whistling to himself. He jumped in, put the key in the ignition and then hesitated. He looked at me and asked, "Are you sure that you want to go home? I mean it is already late, maybe they will be in bed and won't mind if you stay out."

"I wish that that was the case but I know my Aunt will wait up for me and you know the questions that you will get tomorrow from Dustin if I don't go home. Plus, you don't want to give me a reputation on the first day, do you?" It was getting late but it certainly wasn't late enough that they would be in bed, can't blame him for trying though. 

"You're right, I'm sorry. I'll take you home." He sounded so disappointed but I knew if I wanted to see him again then I needed to play nice with my Aunt. We drove for 30 minutes, but every now and again he would slowly reach and stroke my left hand with his right hand. He would also keep taking glances away from the road to flash me that smile of his. The drive went too quickly and it didn't feel as though it was 30 minutes between leaving his trailer and pulling up in my driveway.

As we pulled up outside my house Eddie turned the van off and sighed. "Here you are m'lady, your castle." He always seemed to bring things back to DND, but I loved that. It was so geeky and goofy yet so cute and definitely made me smile.

"Why thank you kind sir." I quipped back to him trying not to laugh at myself. "I suppose then that I should jump out and let you go home." I took a pen and paper out of my school bag and wrote down my number. I threw it over to him. "Here's my digits Munson. Why don't you give me a quick call when you get home? You know just so I know you got home ok." I didn't know whether he would or not but I needed to know I had done the best I could to make sure that I would hear from him again soon.

"Thanks bluey." He took the paper and put it in his jacket pocket. "I promise you I will ring you as soon as I get home sweetheart. Just to let you know that your 'friend' got home safe." The emphasis on the word friend made it feel as though he was taking the mickey out of me a little bit.

I jumped out the van and made my way to the front door. I heard the engine start up and turned around to see him pulling out of the driveway. My heart sank a little, I really meant it when I said that I didn't want too leave. I saw Eddie stop and roll down his window. "Hey bluey, try not to miss me too much ok?"

"Yeah, you wish Munson." I retorted back before watching him speed off down the road. I let myself in through the front door, closing it behind me. I leant against it and sighed. What the hell just happened? Was I falling for the Hawkins high freak on my first day? Too right I was. One day in and I was already falling madly in love with Eddie the freak Munson.

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